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Zion’s Trumpet Books




Unmasking Dispensation Theology

Unmasking Dispensation Theology is a thorough exposé on Dispensationalism, today’s leading school of Biblical interpretation. We show that this system was founded on a denial of the plain meaning of the written Word and wrongly divides the Scripture, making it impossible for the average Christian to grasp the plan of God that runs from Genesis to Revelation.


This bogus system of interpretation has cut us off from our spiritual Hebrew roots and has given us errors like the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, greasy grace, the health and prosperity gospel, and many other errors which destroy righteousness in God’s people. Unmasking is a comprehensive work, dealing with both the first principles of the faith and the deeper aspects of Salvation.

Coil-Bound; 155 pages.






Restoring The Soul

Restoring The Soul was originally a five-part mini-series which deals with the difference between the soul life and the flesh nature of man. It also shows the interaction between the soul, the flesh and demon spirits. It calls us to embrace a crucified life-commonly referred to as "death to self"-and provides some practical advice on how to stand against and overcome the power of sin in our lives.


This book explains the process of death we must go though if we want to attain the fullness of Christ. It explains how God accomplishes our perfection. It explains what the "rest" of God is, why it is necessary for us to enter it now, and how we enter it.

Coil-bound; 75 pages.





The Sons Of God

The Sons Of God deals with the difference between the average Christian and God’s overcomers. It discusses their various places in Christ and exposes the lie that we will all share the same rewards, privileges, authority, and glory in the Kingdom of God, based solely on our profession of faith. The Scripture clearly teaches that each person will be rewarded according to the degree of faithfulness he has shown Jesus in this life. It differentiates between those who overcome and those who do not overcome. The sons of God and the bride of Christ are separate groups of people within the universal Church. Most Christians have no idea that this is true and are waiting to fly off into the spirit realm to enjoy all the rewards offered in the Scripture. Many Christians are going to be shocked and disappointed on that day. Don’t be one of them!

Staple-bound; 50 pages.





Guarding The Truth

Guarding The Truth is a much needed word in this hour of false unity. It exposes the unbalanced views of "love" and "tolerance" that are sweeping through the churches. It is a call to put the Word of God back in its rightful place and return to the biblical doctrines of separation and holiness. The end-time delusions that were prophesied by Jesus and the apostles are not coming from those sitting in the pews; they are coming through our shepherds. This message is a call to watch for the enemy’s movements in our midst, particularly among those who have the authority to teach and preach. Jesus warned us to "watch" in the last days because many Christians will be deceived and drawn away from the faith. Make sure you are not one of those who have been seduced in this hour.

Staple-bound; 36 pages.






Escaping The Religious System

Escaping The Religious System has become our most popular writing. It exposes the counterfeit Christian mentality that virtually all Christians possess, and shows clearly that this mentality has been responsible for the gross abuse of spiritual authority and the division that is seen in the creation of a myriad of denominations. This book explains what the System is, where it comes from, how to recognize it, and how to escape it totally. If you have ever felt that something is wrong with the way we practice Christianity this book will answer all your questions...and then some. It will set you free from the bondage of having to stay in a religious structure and bring you out from under the oppressive hand of religious leaders who have no interest in seeing you mature in Christ.

Coil-bound; 118 pages.





The Order Of Melchizedek

The Order OF Melchizedek deals with a subject that is understood by very few people in this hour. Right now we are in a time of great transition. The present church age is coming to a close and the kingdom age is ready to be established. The government of the next age will be the Melchizedek order. Those who desire to rule and reign with Jesus during the kingdom age must learn to walk in the Melchizedek order today. If we wait till the kingdom is actually established to begin moving in it, it will be too late. The time to begin walking in it is now. This book explains exactly what the Order of Melchizedek is, how you can begin walking in it today, and also, what it will cost you to do so.  Staple-bound; 72 pages.





Who Hath Bewitched You?

Who Hath Bewitched You? deals with a very pervasive error in the churches today: the two-Israel theory. Almost all evangelical Christians believe that there are two Israels; National Israel (the Jews) and Spiritual Israel (the Church). Yet the Scripture teaches the exact opposite. Our true inheritance and destiny has been obscured by worthless traditions. The Word of God is so patently against the duel Israel error, the only way so many people could have believed it for so long, in the face of so much scriptural evidence against it, is because we have been bewitched by a spirit of confusion. This spirit has blinded our minds to the point that we cannot understand the obvious statements of the Scripture. Learn the truth about your relationship to the Jewish people and the Jewish nation.

Staple-bound; 38 pages.





The Olive Tree

The Olive Tree is a special message written for Messianic Jews-Jews who accept Messiah but retain their religious identification by adopting a form of Judaism called "Messianic Judaism." This is an attempt to put new wine (the life of the Spirit) into old wineskins (the framework of Orthodox Judaism). In so doing they are limiting the finished work of Messiah.


Paul told us to love the Jewish people and repay the debt we owe them by showing them mercy. But he never told us to adopt Rabbinical Judaism, Old Testament (Hebraic) Judaism, or any other form of Judaism. Some of those who have received a love for the Jewish people are getting involved in "Torah observance" as a means of sanctification. We explain why this is against the Scripture. Staple-bound; 31 pages.





A Burdensome Stone

A Burdensome Stone is a historical primer on the Arab-Jewish conflict in the Middle East. This hard-hitting exposé traces the conflict from its beginnings under the Ottoman Empire, right up to present day events. It reveals the lies and hypocrisy the Arab nations utilize in their unending war on Israel, and explains just what kind of people the Palestinians really are. It also exposes the anti-Israel bias of the news media. You will also learn why the leaders of Israel walk in such ideological confusion, why they are unable to properly defend their own people and nation. This book is like nothing you have ever read before concerning Israel.

Staple-bound; 84 pages.






Jihad! was written 3 weeks after the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington D.C. as a response to all the propaganda that was being given through the media about Islam being a peaceful religion. It clearly lays out what the Koran teaches and compares it to what is being said by the Muslim leaders around the world.  It examines the motives, reasons and concepts that flow in the Islamic religion and explains why they act, speak and believe the way they do and how we should respond.

Staple-bound; 52 pages.




The Mystery Of Iniquity - Part One

The Mystery Of Iniquity series deals with the rise of Antichrist in its various forms. In Part One we examine the doctrine of Eternal Security, for this doctrine, possibly more than any other error today, is causing people to live carelessly in the most dangerous time in history. The Scripture says in the last days there will be a great falling away of believers, and that this falling away will allow the Antichrist to be revealed. But many well-known scholars and pastors are teaching us that real Christians can’t possibly fall away from the faith. We expose some of these men and show how they deliberately distort the clear meaning of the Scripture on this subject. This is a hard-hitting exposé on the intellectual dishonesty and religious arrogance that so many of our leaders are walking in.

Staple-bound; 64 pages.





The Mystery Of Iniquity - Part Two

As we continue our series we examine more of the theological manifestations of the spirit of Antichrist. Though most Christians do not even consider doctrine an important issue, it is extremely important. Antichrist easily deceives Biblically illiterate Christians-and most contemporary believers are just that. Many of today’s errors would never have gotten off the ground had we been a people who cherished the foundational doctrines laid down by the first apostles.

Staple-bound; 68 pages.





The Mystery Of Iniquity - Part Three

We continue our series with an examination of Daniel’s “abomination of desolation”—the great end-time manifestation of Satan in God’s Temple. This study will either bless you or infuriate you, depending  upon what kind of prophetic views you hold.

Staple-bound; 68 pages.





The Mystery Of Iniquity - Conclusion

We conclude this series by examining the great end-time manifestation of Antichrist in God’s "temple." It must be understood that right now the spirit of Antichrist is being manifested in many of our churches. The "abomination of desolation", spoken of by Daniel the prophet, is taking place today. The Pentecostal/Charismatic realm ("Holy Place") is being defiled by the "little horn." It's time for us to separate ourselves from this defilement. It’s time to get out of Babylon, for things are only going to get worse and the deception harder to detect. Those who refuse to flee will be overcome. This is no time to play games.

Staple-bound; 64 pages.








Babylon Rising - Part One

Babylon Rising is the series we are currently working on. It deals with the theology behind today's so-called "revival." In Part One we trace the revival's roots and expose its current doctrinal errors. In particular, we examine the new "Apostolic Reformation" of C. Peter Wagner. The reader will be shocked to find out what is behind this movement, what these people are trying to do, and how many churches have already been seduced by them. The "new paradigm" unity and power they propagate, which is sweeping through the churches, is not of God. Far from being a genuine revival, this movement is actually helping to build religious Babylon.

Staple-bound; 60 pages.





Babylon Rising - Part Two

In Part Two of the Babylon Rising series we continue to examine the new "Apostolic Reformation". We examine the current "5-fold" ministry teaching and the whole "prophetic" movement. We also expose the deliberate plan by the leaders of these movements to recruit the youth of America and turn them into radical revival warriors. Right now there are so many religious "fads'" sweeping through the churches. All kinds of strange doctrines and practices are being embraced. If you have ever felt that something is not quite right about what is happening in your church, you will appreciate this series, for it explains exactly what is going on.

Staple-bound; 64 pages.





Babylon Rising - Part Three

In Part Three of this series we look at the religious aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the United States. We show how Mr. Bush is promoting a one-world religion and the worship of American Democracy. This worship of the government of the United States is a foretaste of what will soon being happening on a global scale. It is the "beast worship" John saw in the book of Revelation. We also show that the New Charismatic Priesthood is encouraging this beast worship by declaring America to be God's special channel of blessing to the world. Not only are they equating America with Jesus Christ, they are using all these new spiritual warfare techniques to infuse the government with supernatural power!

Staple-bound; 64 pages.





Babylon Rising - Part Four

In Babylon Rising, Part Four we look at the new "Gatekeeper" ministry, which is becoming an integral part of the Spiritual Warfare Movement. It is a mixture of truth and error, based on 3 separate doctrines: (1) The Key of David, (2) The Keys of the Kingdom, (3) a spiritualization of the Old Testament gatekeeper function. The whole concept of opening and shutting spiritual gates over natural cities and regions, so that spiritual powers (good and evil) can enter or be kept at bay, is a concept that is straight out of the occult--and we demonstrate this fact clearly. This writing is a real eye-opener with regards to just how far the Church of our day has fallen.

Staple-bound; 59 pages.





Babylon Rising - Part Five

In Part Five we continue to expose the apostasy of many of the “big” names in Christendom. We show how Billy Graham, Jack Van Impe, Pat Robertson, Chuck Colson, Bill McCartney (leader of the Promise Keepers), and many others are leading the Protestant churches right back into the arms of Rome. We also show how Rome is embracing all the world’s religions. Indeed, she is trying to become the head of the rising Global Church, which will include every false religion in existence. Many of today’s religious leaders are ministering by the power of Antichrist, and as a result, they are bringing multitudes of unsuspecting Christians under the power of this same hellish spirit.

Staple-bound; 64 pages.





Babylon Rising - Part Six

In Part Six we try to show, once again, that the two beasts in the book of Revelation are primarily spiritual beings. We also show that one of these beasts—the “False Prophet”—is the spirit that’s behind the whole “Prophetic Movement”. We try to show just how powerful these spirits have become and how dangerous they are. Many of today’s religious leaders are not ministering by the power of the Holy Spirit, but by the power of Antichrist and the False Prophet. We also try once again to show just how wrong the prevailing “Revial/Harvest doctrine is, and how this doctrine has been used to deceive so many people in this hour.

Staple-bound; 60 pages.





Having Therefore These Promises

Are you a pro-Israel Christian?  Do you love and support the Jewish people?  If your answer to these questions is “Yes”, then you need to read this book. Why? Because pro-Israel Christians don’t realize many of the things they have been taught regarding Israel and the Church are unscriptural. We are very pro-Israel and we love the Jewish people. We believe they are still God’s original chosen people, and that He has brought them back to their land as He said He would. But we also believe that many of the things we pro-Israel Christians have been taught about Israel and the Church are totally unscriptural, and as such, they make it impossible for us to understand what it really means to be a child of Abraham. Read this book and see what the Scripture actually teaches about our relationship to the Jewish people and to the nation of Israel.

Staple-bound; 64 pages.






                                                                                  All our material is free. We do not sell God’s truth.

”And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is

at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,

cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give”.

                                                                        Matthew 10:7-8