
Arab Lies & Jewish Self-Delusion

Historical Realities

The Pogroms Of 1921

The Pogroms Of 1929

The Pogroms Of 1936-1938

The Need For Separation

The Palestinian “Refugee” Problem

How Many Refugees?

A Weapon Against Israel

The Palestine Liberation Organization

What Is A Palestinian?

The Israeli Arabs

An Arab Is An Arab

Demography And Democracy

Islamic Arab Culture

Present Realities

Giving Away God’s Land






Palestine (British) Mandate

1948 U.N. Partition Plan

Movement Of Arab Refugees In 1948

The Mountains Of Israel

Comparison Maps Of Israel




Netzarim Junction

Murdered Boy

Training Children To Kill









The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

Zechariah 12:1-3



Once again the events in a tiny country in the Middle East have brought about an international "crisis." Diplomats and heads of state from various nations, along with the head of the United Nations—and even President Clinton—rushed to Israel in October to try and stop the fighting between Palestinians and Israelis before it escalated into a regional conflict between Israel and her Arab neighbors. The fear was that such a conflict could lead to another World War.


Today the tiny nation of Israel, and in particular, the city of Jerusalem, is indeed a "cup of trembling" to the people round about it and a "burdensome stone" for all nations. It is clear that the nations are growing weary of that burdensome stone, for their impatience with the government and people of Israel is becoming manifest. With just a few exceptions, every nation on this planet is pressuring Israel to make political and territorial concessions that will ultimately result in its own destruction. And with the help of the international media—which has been bribed and terrorized into submission to the Arab agenda—the people of the nations have been brainwashed and are in total agreement with the policies of their various governments. Thus, the words Zechariah spoke thousands of years ago are coming to pass before our very eyes.


Recently (October 2000) we spent two weeks in Jerusalem and saw first-hand the way the media distorts the truth and fabricates lies in order to harm Israel and protect the Palestinians. Recognizing the great need to counter-balance all the misinformation and propaganda we are being fed on a daily basis, we feel obligated to declare the truth about the Arab-Jewish conflict.


Daniel O. Mace

November 2000





Arab Lies & Jewish Self-Delusion

The most oft-repeated piece of propaganda the world has been subjected to over the last 40 years is that the Jews came to "Arab" Palestine from Russia, Europe, and other parts of the world, and "displaced" its original inhabitants in order to create a Jewish state. Variations of this same theme are: (1) the British helped the Jews displace the Arabs for imperialistic reasons, and (2) the "West" in general helped displace the Arabs in order to relieve its conscience over its failure to stave off Hitler's extermination of the Jews. None of these accusations have any basis in reality, yet the whole world repeats them as if they are historical facts.


During the final years of World War II. the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al Husseini, was Hitler's guest in Germany. There he saw how successful the Fuhrer's propaganda machine was. There he saw living proof that if you tell a lie long enough and often enough—regardless of how much evidence there is to the contrary—eventually the whole world will believe it.


Since falsehood and lying are not only acceptable behavior in Islamic culture, but desirable and normal, the Arabs already had a built-in talent which enabled them to not only copy Hitler's propaganda formula but perfect it. All they needed was the means to disseminate it to the world. That means presented itself when they became the world's primary source of oil energy. With their new-found wealth and influence they were able to bribe and/or terrorize the majority of governments, international businesses, and especially the major news outlets, into submission to their anti-Israel agenda.


The affects of this incessant propaganda can be seen in the fact that in 1948 both the majority of nations and world opinion favored the establishment of the State of Israel. The world sympathized with the 500-thousand Jews of Palestine as they faced 50-million fanatical Muslim Arabs who boasted they would drive them into the sea. But because the masses have been too lazy to search out the truth of what has transpired in the area during the ensuing years—choosing instead to have their views molded by nightly news programs that pump out Arab propaganda—today the situation is exactly the reverse. World opinion is against the Jews. It sympathizes totally with the Palestinians.


Today's world-view is that the Jews displaced the Arabs of Palestine and are therefore responsible to "return" as much "occupied" territory as is necessary to placate them. It ignores the fact that these same Palestinians openly proclaim the only thing that will satisfy them is the return of "all" occupied territory—meaning all of Israel. It is unmoved by the fact that Palestinian officials publicly call for dismantling and eventual destruction of the Jewish state. Nor does it seem to notice that these same officials publicly call for the death of every single Jew in the region. Palestinian leaders make such proclamations openly in both foreign and Arabic newspapers, on TV and radio interviews, and in books. Also, they act out this desire as much as they are able, yet both Israel and the Western nations seem incapable of believing they mean what they say.


Another oft-repeated myth does not originate from the Arabs but from the Jews themselves. This is the myth of "peaceful coexistence." You see, when the truth is ugly only a lie can be beautiful; and the truth of what has transpired between the Arab and the Jew in the Holy Land—from before the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in 1917 till this day—is very ugly. Both the majority of Israelis and those who make up the government do not want to face this reality, so they choose to run after a beautiful lie called "co-existence."


From the very beginning of Political Zionism, Jews have deluded themselves, hoping and believing that the Arabs would one day accept the existence of Israel and come to terms with it. The unpleasant reality is there will never be "peace" between Zionism and Arab Nationalism; both claim the same stretch of land as their own. There will never be peace between Judaism and Islam; Islam seeks to gain territory for Allah. To the Arab Islamic mind (which the West never has understood) the very existence of a sovereign Jewish state of any size on territory that once belonged to Allah—especially one that sits in the heart of the Arab Islamic world—is an abomination and a humiliation.


Thus, two major pillars of propaganda that must be destroyed are: (1) that the Jews came and displaced the Arabs of Palestine, and are therefore responsible to solve the Palestinian situation; and (2) that it is possible for a sovereign Jewish state to peacefully exist in the center of an Arab Islamic Middle East.


Ever since the time of Joshua, 3500 years ago, there have always been Jews living in Israel. During their first scattering at the hands of Babylon and Assyria around B.C. 550, a remnant was left in the land. Even after the second scattering by the Romans in A.D. 70, there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Judaism's four holy cities: Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberias and Safed. In addition to these four areas, various other settlements and towns became inhabited by Jews during the period of Arab rule from A.D. 637-1099. They included Ashkelon, Beersheba, Rafa and Zoar in the south; Jaffa, Lod and Ramla in the center; Caesarea, Nazereth, Pekiin and Dan in the north. Additional towns and villages with continuous Jewish communities from the thirteenth to the nineteenth centuries included Gaza, Haifa, Acre and Nablus.


In A.D. 1099 and 1100, the Jews living in Jerusalem and Haifa, fighting alongside  the Arab residents, took part in the defense of those cities against the Crusaders.  In A.D. 1500, Jewish residents of the land were the majority in the Safed region.  In short, there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Israel for thousands of years. They have fought to stay in the land and have died defending it. They didn't arrive just yesterday.


Of course, it is true that the Jews were a minority in the land from A.D. 70 till the mid-1900s, but that was because they were forcefully kept out of the land by the powers that ruled it. In 1880 there were 470,000 Arabs and 24,000 Jews living in the area that was to become Palestine. Around this time the Jews began to have national aspirations and encouraged emigration. The Arabs, realizing what was happening, followed suit. By 1914 the number of Arabs had increased to 500,000 and the number of Jews to 90,000.


Until 1917 the modern independent states of Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, as well as others, did not even exist. They constituted one vast territory that was an integral part of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire. But already by 1886 the Arab-Jewish conflict within that empire was well under way. A dozen Jewish settlements in the area that was to become Israel were attacked by Arab bands from 1886 to 1914. In 1891 Arab notables from Jerusalem sent a petition to the Turkish government in Constantinople demanding the prohibition of Jewish immigration and Jewish land purchase. Between 1908 and 1914, anti-Zionist newspapers began to be published in Jaffa, Haifa, Beruit and Damascus. Anti-Zionist societies were also established in these towns, as well as in Jerusalem. In 1906 a well-known Arab writer penned these insightful words:




"The reawakening of the Arab nation and the growing Jewish efforts at rebuilding the ancient monarchy of Israel on a very large scale—these two movements are destined to fight each other continually, until one of them triumphs over the other."

Neguib Azoury



Despite these realities, there was an unwillingness on the part of the Jewish leadership to see the evident Arab hatred towards Zionism. With every Jewish step towards statehood, Arab nationalist hostility grew in intensity, yet everyone chose to believe the lie that sooner or later the Arabs would see that a Jewish state would be good for everyone in the region. There was almost a total denial that Arab nationalism even existed. Thus could Theodor Herzl, founder of modern political Zionism, coin the famous slogan: "The land without a people for the people without a land."


That there was a people (the Jews) "without a land" was an undeniable fact. That there was a land (Palestine) "without a people" was self-delusion. Alongside the 24,000 Jews living in Palestine at that time were 470,000 Arabs. Those Arabs may have been poor and ignorant, they may have been lacking in political awareness, but they were there—and nobody seemed to notice. On the one hand, it was as if the Arabs did not exist, or if they did, they really didn't matter. On the other hand, there was the naive belief that this backward and primitive people would be delighted at the benefits that would come their way, thanks to the advent of the progressive and talented Jew. This delusion—that the nationalist aspirations of the Arabs living in the land could be bought with a higher standard of living and material wealth—persists till this very hour.


As late as last month (Oct. 2000), after the Arab citizens of the Galilee rioted to show solidarity with their Palestinian "brethren" in the "occupied territories," the majority of Israeli officials, journalist and political pundits were singing the same old worn-out tune. The reason the Israeli Arabs are rioting, they said, is because they need more money, more community services, more funds for education, and of course, most of all, more integration into Israeli society!


The fact that the Arabs living in Israel—whether they be "citizens" of Israel proper or non-citizens living under "occupation" beyond the Green Line—always have and always will hate the Jews and the Jewish state, and that they are continually working to destroy Israeli society and overthrow the government, has yet to dawn on all these experts. The myth of "peaceful coexistence" is a strong delusion...but only for the Jews. The Arabs have always known better. In the end, this delusion could very well cause the eventual downfall of the Jewish state.





Historical Realities


On November 5, 1914, the British declared war on the Turkish Empire. As the result of its victories in 1917, millions of Arabs were liberated from Turkish rule. From that territory the allies would eventually carve out twelve sovereign Arab states: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. The same world-power that established these twelve Arab states and gave them their independence, decreed that a tiny sliver of land on the Mediterranean coast should be given to the Jews. In 1920, Lord Balfour—the man who had authored the "Balfour Declaration" 3 years earlier, in which Britain granted the Jews a "national home" in Palestine—reminded the Arabs of the debt they owed Britain:



"So far as the Arabs are concerned, I hope they will remember that it is we who have established an independent Arab sovereignty of the Hedjaz [Saudi Arabia]. I hope they still remember that it is we who desire in Mesopotamia to prepare the way for the future of a self-governing, autonomous Arab state; and I hope that, remembering all that, they will not grudge that small notch—for it is no more than that geographically, whatever it may be historically—that small notch in what are now Arab territories being given to the people who for all these hundreds of years have been separated from it."




The very power that had liberated the Arabs and given them their own sovereignty expected, in return, their co-operation in establishing a national home in Palestine for the Jewish people—a people who were not strangers or foreigners, but once lived and thrived in that land, yet had been forcefully "separated from it" for hundreds of years. They expected the co-operation of the Arabs in facilitating a home for a people who had been continually present in that land (even if only in small numbers) for thousands of years. Unfortunately the Western mind never has (and still doesn't) understand the Eastern mind, particularly the Arab Muslim mind. The Arabs were not grateful for what Britain had done and chose not to remember. From then until now they refuse to relinquish that "small notch."


In the same year of 1920, the San Remo conference granted to Britain the "Palestine Mandate" in order to expedite the establishment of a Jewish national home. This was based on the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Mandate Palestine included what today is known as Israel—including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip—and all of Jordan.






























The above map shows the area that was supposed to become the national home for the Jews. East of the Jordan River was known as Eastern Palestine and west of the Jordan was known as Western Palestine. A year after receiving the Mandate, Britain severed Eastern Palestine from Western Palestine and made it another sovereign Arab state. In other words, 77% of the territory that had been allocated for a Jewish homeland was immediately lost. So when you hear Arabs in Israel (or anywhere else) demanding a Palestinian state, remember this historical fact: there already is a Palestinian state in the Middle East. Its called Jordan. Jordan is nothing but Eastern Palestine and its population is over 75% Palestinian. More than 2.7 million of its inhabitants have their origins in Western Palestine. The Arabs in Jordan and the Arabs in Israel are from the same population base.


Many of Jordan's cabinet ministers and members of parliament have come from Western Palestine. Indeed, in the spring of 1988, Palestinian Arabs made up half the Jordanian cabinet. The major part of the country's economy and government administration is in the hands of former residents of Western Palestine. In addition, both the late King Hussein of Jordan and Yasir Arafat have openly admitted this truth. In 1981 King Hussein said: "The truth is that Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan." In 1970 Arafat told correspondent Oriana Fallaci: "What you call Jordan is actually Palestine."


Of course, later both Hussein and Arafat had begun to deny and obscure these facts because if Jordan is in fact a Palestinian state, there is no rational or moral basis for the establishment of another Palestinian state in the region—especially since such a state would have to be carved out of sovereign Israeli territory.


Most people are ignorant of the true history of the so-called Arab-Israeli conflict. This conflict did not start in 1967, or in the Sinai campaign of 1956, or even when the Jewish state came into being in 1948. It began decades earlier, and it's not an Arab-Israeli conflict, it's  an Arab-Jewish conflict, for Arabs were shedding the blood of Jews in the land long before the term "Israeli" was even invented. In their blind and arrogant ignorance, many people are speaking of the need to "recognize" the Palestinians. Well, let's do that. Let's recognize them for what they are. Come meet them and know them, just as the Jews of the land knew them in 1921, 1929 and 1936-38.






The Pogroms of 1921


May 1, 1921 -- Arab mobs began to gather in Jaffa, a city that was considered a model of Jewish-Arab coexistence. The Jews and Arabs of Jaffa had extensive commercial relations, and the Sephardic Jews who had lived there for generations were almost indistinguishable from the Arabs. Nevertheless, the mobs began to gather—the sticks and metal bars they carried left no doubt as to their intentions.


For days the Arabic paper Falastin had been agitating against Zionism with particular venom. Now, in the mixed Jewish-Arab neighborhoods of Nve Shalom and Menashiya, the mob began to attack Jews in the streets with stones and heavy metal rods. The Jews attempted to defend themselves, and since the mob did not have guns, the police could have easily driven them off. But the police were Arab—first and foremost Arabs. Most of the police officers pro­tected the rioters, while others removed their badges and joined them, shooting at the Jews. In the first attack thirteen Jews were killed and the looting and pillaging spread to other areas of the city. Gradually the mob focused on the city's center of Zionism: Bet Ha'Olim (Immigrant House). Because of their belief that Arabs and Jews could coexist in peace, the Zionists had acquired a large, two ­story building in the all-Arab section of Jaffa. At the time there were about 100 new immigrants in the building. The confidence that they could live in peace with their Arab neigh­bors was so great they had no weapons of any kind.


Around 1:00 P.M. the mob began to gather. Jews stand­ing in the street were stoned and beaten. One Arab attempted to throw a primitive homemade bomb but it blew up in his hands and he was killed—which only infuriated the mob even more. As they began to approach the building the Jews ripped iron posts from the gate and blocked the entrance to the front and side yards. They beat off the first attack and several Arabs were carried away by their comrades.


At 2:00 P.M. the watchmen on the roof reported that several policemen were approaching. A general sigh of relief arose until the police, who were Arabs, arrived. They suddenly began shooting at the Jews and two grenades were thrown into the courtyard, kill­ing and wounding several of them. According to the Book of the Haganah, the attack was led by the head of the prison, Hana Burdkush, a member of a "respectable" Christian Arab family. The police burst into the yard, shouting to the mob: "What are you waiting for? Kill them all!"


Their spirits broken, most of the Jews attempted to flee. The males who were not fortunate enough to escape were brutal­ly murdered. Several women pleaded with a policeman to save them. He took them into an alley, stripped them of their valu­ables, and tried to rape one of them. When silence descended on the building, thirteen Jews were dead and twenty-six were wounded, and for the rest of the day Arabs looted Jewish stores and houses.


In the morning hours of May 2, six Jewish bodies were found in the Abu Kabir section between Jaffa and Tel Aviv. The six had been beaten to death, then their bodies stripped and mutilated. The results of the Jaffa massacre were 43 Jews murdered, 134 wounded, and untold property damage. It was now May 5...Petah Tikva's turn.


The news of the Jaffa pogrom encouraged the Arabs of the villages near the large settlement of Petah Tikva. Scouts reported that hundreds of Arabs from all the villages in the area were now on their way to attack. The Jews awaited the Arab attack with sinking hearts. They had only forty guns and the Arabs had large quantities of weapons and ammunition. The attack began. Desperately the defenders held on within a fixed radius. The Arabs attacked, looted, and burned houses outside the defense perimeter. Four Jews were dead and the colony was on the verge of collapse and slaughter when British troops arrived to save them. The Arabs of Ramle attacked the large settlement of Hadera and Rehovot. Only courage and miracles saved the Jews from slaughter. The book, History of the Haganah describes the attack:­




"Thousands of men, women and chil­dren came like locusts upon this settlement, with the usual battle-cries: 'Eleyhom' [Charge them] and 'Iibach Al-Yahud' [Slaughter the Jews]. They approached the settlement loot­ing everything in their path and burning huts in the orchards."




It is interesting to note that both women and children came to murder the Jews of this colony. The reality of children being trained to murder Jews is nothing new. It didn't start with the Palestinian "Intifada" in the "occupied territories." It started before there was even a Jewish state to hate, let alone occupied territories. The vast majority of Muslim Arabs are not only compulsive liars and deceivers, they are vicious—and anyone who refuses to understand this reality will never understand the history or the present realities of the region.


November 2, 1921, was the fourth anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. The Arab press called for a day of mourning, a work stoppage, and demonstrations to protest the declaration, which it said was the "death sentence" passed on the Arabs of Palestine. In Jerusalem, 5,000 Jews were packed into the Jewish Quarter—most of them totally unfamiliar with self-defense. On the day of the strike, thousands of frenzied Arabs attacked those Jews, who were mostly Sephardic and lived in the Muslim quarter.


The Sephardim had remained there in the mistaken belief that the Arabs were opposed only to the recent European (or Ashkenazic) immigrants. To the credit of the Arabs, they did not discriminate against Jews on the basis of communal background—they killed all of them equally.


At 11:30 hundreds of screaming Arabs, headed by Sheikh Vad Al-Halili, attempted to smash into the Jewish quarter. They were driven back after a sharp struggle in which the Sheikh was killed. Five dead Jews and forty injured ones were brought to the hospital, the victims of Arab demands for an end, not of Jewish "occupation," but of Jewish existence in the land.





The Pogroms of 1929


On Yom Kippur, in the year 1928, the Arabs of Palestine discovered the Wailing Wall. More precisely, they discovered that the one remnant of the Holy Temple was in fact a Muslim holy place. For hundreds of years Jews had come to the symbol of their exile to shed bitter tears and plead with the Almighty to redeem them from the four corners of the earth. But on Yom Kippur, 1928, a British policeman barged into the midst of the wor­shipers to forcibly remove the partition that separated the men and women, thus putting into motion the forces of pogrom.


For years the British had claimed that they would keep the status quo for religious sites in Jerusalem. The Wall had no standing as a Muslim religious site at all, but the Muslims did not wish to see it granted Jewish religious status. The British viewed the partition between the sexes at the Yom Kippur ser­vices as an attempt to convert the Wall into a "synagogue."


The incident gave birth to an Arab myth. The Mufti of Jerusalem was the supreme Muslim leader at the time. In his position as Muslim theologian he decreed that the Wall was in reality a Muslim holy place. The reason? When Muhammad allegedly went up to heaven from Jerusalem on his wondrous horse, Al-Burak, he chose a spot near the Wall to tether it. Instantly a political-religious legend was born. For almost a year following this new revelation the Arabs incited, lied, and heated the atmosphere that led to the deadly pogroms of 1929. In many towns, "committees for the defense of the Burak," were formed. In November of 1928 the Mufti convened a re­ligious conference which demanded that Jews be prevented from bringing religious items to the Wall. The Mufti added his wish that the British enforce this so the Muslims themselves would not be forced to defend this holy place.


In August of 1939 thousands of Muslims leav­ing prayers at the Al-Aksa mosque marched past the Wall shouting "Allah Akhbar!" (God is great!), "Din Muhamad Kari Basip" (The law of Muhammad with the Sword), and "Down with Zionism!" A bitter diatribe was delivered and Jewish prayer books were burned. At the Wall the following day (the Sabbath), Arabs stabbed to death a young Jew. Letters signed by the Mufti ­called on all Muslims to come to Jerusalem the following Friday to prevent the Jews from "seizing Al-Aksa."


Thousands of Arabs streamed into Jerusalem with long sticks that had sharp nails protruding from them. The cry, "Il Dula M'ana!"(The govern­ment is with us) rang out throughout every Arab village and town­—and indeed it was. The British government at that time was represented by a new High Commissioner named Chancellor. Since he was a recent arrival, he allowed most of the decisions to be made by his chief aide, Harry Luke, who was a bitter anti-Zionist. Luke's policy of non-interference with the Mufti and Arab mobs led to the murder of many Jews.


Jerusalem: The pogrom in Jerusalem began on Friday, August 23, and continued for days. Thousands of Arabs streamed into the city carrying iron bars, sticks, and knives. Outside Jerusalem sat the small Jewish settlement of Motza. For decades its residents thought they had the best of relationships with the neighboring Arab village of Kolonia. On Saturday night, ­as the Jews of Jerusalem were being attacked and murdered, thirty vil­lagers from Kolonia—longtime acquaintances—"visited" the home of the Maklaf family. They slaughtered everyone, including an eighty-five year old Rabbi who was a guest for the Sabbath. The women were first raped and then murdered, then the house was burned down.


Safad: High in the beautiful Galilean hills stood Safad, the city of the Kabbalists. Its 3,000 Jews had lived for generations with the Arabs. All spoke Arabic and the Jews were hardly distinguishable from the Arabs in their dress. As the days of pogroms re­ceded, it appeared that Safad would be spared. But at 5:30 P.M., on August 29, a mob of Arabs burst into the Jewish Quarter, led by Fuad Hajazi, a young clerk of the local government health office.


The first place the mob attacked was the Klinger gasoline storage house. As flames and smoke leaped into the air, the mob entered the homes of Jews they had known for years, stabbing, beating, raping, looting. The wind carried the flames onward and ironically this saved many Jewish lives as the mob rushed to save their own homes. But eighteen Jews were dead and more than eighty others injured. Almost all the victims were elderly or women, many of whom had pleaded with their slaughterers to remember the favors they had done them over the years.


The same evening the small Jewish settlement in Ein Zeitim was decimated. Three Jews were murdered, the rest fled to Safad as their homes went up in flames. In the northeast part of the Galilee, the settlement of Yesud Ha'Ma'ale was de­stroyed by its Arab neighbors. In essence there was not a Jewish community of any consequence that was not attacked. Scores of Jews were slaughtered, and damage was estimated in the millions of English pounds. But nowhere was the full extent of Arab bestiality manifested more clearly than in the ancient city of Hebron.


Hebron: Long before the name "Palestinian" was invented, Jews lived in Hebron. There Abraham purchased the Cave of Machpela, and there the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the nation were buried. There David ruled as king for seven years before going to Jerusalem. There Jews and Judaism were entwined for 3,500 years—and there a horrible massacre took place.


It was a hot Friday morning, August 23, 1929. There was no Jewish state, no occupation forces or "occupied territories" to give the Arabs reasons to cry out against Zionism. In Hebron there lived some 500 Jews, mostly Sephardic, many with roots going back hun­dreds of years. Various famous synagogues were at Hebron, and f­­or many years Jews lived, worked, prayed and studied there. Then their "good Arab neighbors" rose up to massacre 67 of them in cold blood. Scores of others were wounded. All the rest fled, leaving their property behind.


Throughout the land there was growing tension as roving bands of Arab gangsters agitated against the Jews. Incidents were reported in various places but the Jews of Hebron were not worried. In the first place, they had lived in peace for many years with their Arab neighbors. It was inconceivable that those neighbors, for whom they had done so much, would betray them. Despite the incidents that had taken place in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Safad and other places, there had never been trouble in Hebron. Moreover, Arab dignitaries had repeatedly assured them that no harm would come to them.


At approximately 2:30 P.M. an Arab messenger arrived and told an Arab crowd that he had just returned from Jerusalem, where "thousands of Muslims had been killed and their blood spilled like water." Of course, this was a fabrication but Arabs are compulsive liars. Seeking revenge, the Arab residents of Hebron marched through the streets. They first turned to the Grodzinski home. In testimony given after the massacre, Mr. Grodzinski described what happened:




"When the riots began, there were people in our house. I saw a young Arab open the gate to our courtyard and dozens of Arabs burst in. They surr­ounded the house and began banging on the doors. We hastily secured the doors as stones came smashing through the win­dows. When a shot was fired into the room, we went up to the second floor and called for help. Eliezer Don Slonim saw us and managed to get a group of police, who finally scattered the mob. We then all decided to move to the home of Slonim, since he had excellent relations with the Arabs and we felt sure that his house would not be attacked."




The Arabs wanted Jewish blood. They made their way to the Slobodka yeshiva. Since it was the eve of the Sabbath, most of the students were not there. Only the Yemeni shammas (sexton) and the perpetually diligent masmid (eternal learner of Torah), Shmuel Rosenholtz, were to be found. The mob came charging into the courtyard. The shammas leaped into the well in time and covered himself—it saved his life. But Rosenholtz was completely immersed in his Talmud and did not even hear the mob come in. It was only when stones smashed him in the head, so that blood spurted over his books, that he attempted to flee. But the mob was upon him and punctured his body with knife wounds, like a sieve.


The Hebron massacre had its first victim. ­Evening now comes and the Sabbath begins. The mob that murdered Rosenholtz has scattered and the streets are silent. The police arrive at the yeshiva and place his body on a table. The son of Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein, head of the Slobodka-Hebron yeshiva, is called to the office of the Hebron governor, who is an Arab. The governor tells him he must go to every Jewish house and warn the occupants not to walk out. He says: "Let the Jews stay in their houses and I will be responsible for their lives." The night passes in troubled silence.


­By 6:00 A.M. Arabs are streaming into Hebron from the surrounding countryside. Mr. Slonim and a yeshiva stu­dent, along with a police detail, go from house to house warning the Jews not to go out and not even to look out the windows. Meanwhile, Arab neighbors gleefully tell their Jewish "friends" that "today will be the slaughter." The streets are now packed with Arabs who are armed with guns, swords and knives. Cars speed through the streets with Arabs sitting on the roofs, shouting slogans calling for death to the Jews. The atmosphere is electric—and through it all walks Arab and British police officers, very calmly.


The Jewish leaders of the community meet at the home of the Sephardic Rabbi Franco. Fear of a truly serious threat to their lives is now evident. But without their knowledge the slaughter has already begun. In one of the houses further away from the center lives the Abushadid family. The father, 55 years old, ­is a storekeeper and was born in Hebron. He suddenly appears on the balcony of his home, screaming for help. No one hears or listens. The police are nowhere to be seen. Rocks begin flying into the house, smashing windows, and screams of terror are heard. Several women and children appear on the balcony. An Arab, his eyes filled with hate and lust, rushes at them, swinging a sword. He cuts and stabs again and again. Blood spurts over the balcony and drips into the street.


Inside lie the bodies of Eliyahu Abushadid and his twenty-five year old son, Yitzchok, a simple tailor. Also dead are forty-five year old Yaakov Goslan, a smelter who was also born in the city, and his eighteen-year ­old son Moshe. The Arabs do not even look at the bodies. They are too busy looting the house and throwing Jewish property into the street to the howling mob. The mob now turns to the home of a sixty-nine year old scholar named Rab­bi Meir Kastel, also born in Hebron. He watches as the mob breaks down his door. He is murdered brutally. The mob loots his house and then burns it down over his body.


On to the next house...that of sixty-five year old Rabbeinu Hason, one of the heads of the Sephardic rabbinate in Hebron. He and his wife watch in terror as the mob burns down their door and then storms in. Both die a horrible death. Now the mob turns to Beit Hadassah, which is both a medical clinic and synagogue. ­­­This famous institution, which did so much for both the Jews and the Arabs of Hebron—and which in later years is to serve as the symbol of Jewish shame as Jewish governments bar Jews from returning to the scene of the massacres—is the next to feel the Arab's wrath. The fact that it is a place of worship and study, as well as a medical clinic for Jews and Arabs alike, matters little to the mob.


Among those who attack are many who have received free treat­ment in this same building. They climb through windows and smash down doors. Inside they destroy everything they see: medical equipment, medicine, drugs, everything is shat­tered in a hate-filled frenzy. And now flames leap toward the skies as they set fire to the inside. The place is an inferno. The synagogue is a scene of utter destruction. The torn and desecrated Torah Scrolls now burn and become ashes. The building that served as a place of mercy and charity is gone.


Next door to the Hadassah building lives Ben Zion Gershon, a crippled druggist whose kindness to the Arabs is leg­endary. We will never know how many Arabs he treated, most for free or for absurdly low fees. How many times did the Arabs thank him by blessing his name as they left? Today the mob shows the way it repays kindness. They burst into the apart­ment. Fingernails gouge out the crippled druggist's eyes and he dies as knives pierce his body. His wife is assaulted and both her arms are cut off—she dies later in the hospital in Jerusalem. The Arabs attempt to rape the daughter but she struggles so successfully that they kill her in a horrible way.


The streets of Hebron are a nightmare of shouting Arabs. Screams are heard from dozens of houses—screams of dying men, violated women, weeping children...and the pogrom con­tinues. On the road to Beersheba stands Beit Burland, where many students from the Hebron yeshiva stay. The mob sur­rounds the house and breaks down the doors. A student, Arvaham Dov Shapira, stands and fights bravely with a knife in his hand until he is dead. Another student, Moshe-Aron Ripps, begs his murderers a moment to say Vidui, the final confession. As he begins they kill him. Two other students, Shmtiel Izak Berns­tein and Yestiacliar Eliyahu Sandrow, are also victims. The later, almost cut in two by the mob, lingers and suffers for almost a day before dying. No Jewish house is safe.


On the road to Jerusalem the mob breaks into the home of the shochet (ritual slaughterer), Yaakov Zev Reizman. The terrified Jew runs out the back door but the mob catches him. He pleads with them and gives them all his money. For a moment they leave him alone, but as he begins to run again they catch him and riddle him with knife wounds. He dies in the gutter. His house is a scene of tragedy. On the floor lie his dead brother and ­mother-in-law. The house is looted by the mob, which then leaves on its way to the next victims.


The next home is that of Eliezer Don Slonim. His house is a prestigious one. Slonim is one of the most important Jews in Hebron. As director of the Anglo-Palestine Bank in the city, he is also the only Jew to sit on the Hebron town council. He has many "friends" among the Arabs. He knows all the notables and leaders of the town. They have promised him pro­tection. Because of this, Slonim has told as many Jews as possible to come to his home.


Many Jews have gathered at Slonim’s home. Wrapped in their prayer shawls, the men stand and pray the Sabbath service in fear as they hear the howls of the mob and the screams of the victims outside. Many can see the terrible massacre in nearby Beit Buriand. They can hear the insane mob pounding on the door of the adjoining house—that of Skolover. Suddenly the win­dows of Slonim's house are smashed by a hundred rocks. The Jews scream. Men rush to bar the door. Outside the house stand hundreds of inflamed Arabs calling for Jewish blood. Iron poles and beams are being brought up by the Arabs to smash down the doors. The house of Slonim will be no safer than all the rest.


They charge up the narrow stone steps leading to the house. For fifteen minutes they pound on the door. Finally they smash it with iron staves and batter it with poles. Inside, the yeshiva students stand frantically against the doors, attempting to hold back the murderers. But suddenly there is a loud crash. A huge hole has been made in the front door and shots ring out.


Avraham Yanai, fifty-six, a poor Jew from Constantinople, falls, struck in the arm. A second shot catches twenty-seven year old Zalman Vilenski, secretary of the Yeshiva, in the face. He collapses in a pool of blood. Yet another bullet rips the stomach of Yisrael Mordechai Kaplan, a twenty-two year old yeshiva student from Lithuania. As he falls he tries to hold onto the door to keep the Arabs out. But only for a moment; He collapses and dies.


The students show super-human strength and bravery as they hold back the hordes, but under the assault of bullets they are forced to retreat with the rest into the inner rooms. The door to the roof bursts open and Arabs leap into the house. Eliezer Don Slonim, cool and strong to the end, fires his pistol at the mob, but a heavy metal pipe strikes him in the head and he collapses. There is no hope left but the yeshiva students fight like lions.


The sound of swords and knives slashing and cutting is mixed with the cries of women and children. Someone cries, "Shma Yisrael!" Hillel Kalplinski is attacked by a dozen Ar­abs who stab him repeatedly. A survivor recalls him shouting: "I am already dead and they still hit me!" And in a pool of blood over in the corner, wrapped in his prayer shawl, lies Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Orlinski, next to his dead wife, who had come to Hebron to spend a quiet Sabbath with their daughter and son-in-law, Eliezer Don Slonim.


The mob literally rips the belly of a sixty-seven year old Rabbi in two and his insides pour out. He had arrived just six months earlier from Russia, hoping to live a life of Torah and peace in the Holy Land. In this one house where they had gathered for safety, twenty-four people die. Thirteen more are gravely wounded. ­Taking part in the slaughter are Arabs who just the day before did business and laughed together with Eliezer Don Slonim. They were his "friends."


The slaughter continues for half an hour. Every piece of property that can be moved is thrown out the door and win­dows. Pillows are cut and the feathers fly through the air, some resting on the bodies of the dead, sticking to them, still wet with blood. The Arabs now leave, crying, "Let us go; there are no more Jews left to kill." But they are wrong. Miraculously, Jews have been saved. Eleven of them are squeezed into a tiny bathroom that somehow the mob failed to notice. Still others lie under the bodies of the dead. They stagger out to look at the horrors their "friendly neighbors" ­with whom they had "coexisted" so long have left behind. There is a terrible quiet except for the moaning of the wounded and dying—and of course, the sound of the mob, which has now moved on to its next victims.


They reach the home of Moshe Goldschmidt, a thirty-one year old Habad Hasid from Russia. Some fifteen people are hiding in his house and as the doors are broken down they escape by jumping ­down into the adjoining yard. How­ever, Moshe Goldschmidt—apparently counting on being able to appeal to the pity and mercy of the Arabs—remains behind. He falls to his knees and pleads with the Arabs, who only laugh at him and humiliate him before killing him in a brutal and indescribable manner. On to more horrors.


The Arabs are now drunk on murder and brutality, and their cruelty is fed by atrocity. The scholar, Reb Bezalel Smarik from Lithuania, is seventy-three. They drag him outside and kill him on the doorstep of his home. Inside they murder three North American yeshiva students. They now burst into the adjoining home of Shionio Unger. The twenty-six year old is a huge man, a mechanic from Poland. He looks like a Gentile and the mob pauses. One shouts at him: "Are you a Christian?" He can say "yes" and save his life. Instead he looks with contempt at the mob and shouts: "I am a Jew!" They leap on him with fury, his courage sending them into a fresh frenzy. They attack his wife; she loses her mind and dies a few days later, leaving two orphans.


Next, the baker Noah Imerman is killed as they thrust his head into his oven. Then it's on to the home of Nahman Segal, from Poland, who watches in horror as his Arab landlord opens the doors for the mob. He is holding his three-year old child, Menachem. Someone swings an axe, cutting through Segal's hand, killing the child. Segal dies a few hours later. His wife has three fingers cut off and a yeshiva student in the house loses his left hand.


In the same house the masmid (eternal learner of Torah) of the yeshiva, Simcha Yitzhak Broida, is dangled head down from the window and tortured to death. Next, the Hebron yeshiva is demolished. Then they go to the home of Rabbi Epstein. They throw huge stones through the windows and the families inside are gripped by terror. The men desperately try to hold the doors against the mob and the women cry out in panic. Across the street stands the home of the governor of Hebron. The cries of anguish apparently move him to come out onto the balcony and order the police—who have been standing by the whole time, just watching—to chase the mob away. But the mob is not impressed. Three times they return, and three times the governor calmly orders them to disperse. It is hard to believe that human beings can behave like such rabid dogs. What happens next helps to explain how Arabs can do such things.  


According to The Book of Hebron (edited by Oded Avisar, 1970), outside the small hotel stands Sheikh Talib, the Muslim religious leader of the town. He walks up to a building in which dozens of Jews sit huddled in terror and looks inside to see how many people he can count, then he leaves. Some moments pass. Suddenly the sound of the mob is heard. The Jews look out the windows and see hundreds of Arabs following the Sheikh.


As they stand around him he says: "You, Muslims! Inside are ten Americans whose parents are millionaires. Slaughter the Jews! Drink their blood! Today is the day of Islam! This is the day the prophet has commanded you! Allah and the prophets have commanded you to avenge the blood of your dead brethren in Jerusalem! Allah is great! Come with me and kill the Jews. Inside are beautiful Jewish women. Take them!"


The mob attacks. The yeshiva students inside fight wildly to hold the doors. At the very moment that they begin to splinter, the stu­dents see what they take to be a miracle—a British officer with five Arab policemen appear on horseback. Two of the students ­rush out past the mob to the policemen. They plead with them to save the Jews inside the house but the policemen just stare.


The mob now angrily rushes at the two Jews who are imploring the British officer to save their lives. They attack the one young man, Yisrael Aryeh. Bloodied, he turns like a madman on his at­tackers, smashing them with his fists until he falls dead at the feet of his "rescuers." The other student seizes the reins of the British officer's horse and pleads for his life. As he does the mob stabs him again and again, and as they are killing him an Arab can be heard laughing and shouting, "Does it hurt, Jew?" The two students die, but their deaths enable the other Jews, whose presence the Arabs have momentarily forgotten, to flee to safety.


In the Jewish Quarter of Hebron every house is looted, every synagogue destroyed—all at the hands of Arab "friends" and business acquaintances. Only memories haunt those buildings today—memories of Jews whose intestines were ripped out and whose skulls were so viciously chopped that their brains poured out. Memories of the elderly Jew who was castrated before being killed, and of the young Jewish student whose body was found with a piece of flesh ripped from his throat. Memories of the barber whose head was stuffed into a toilet, and of the woman who was hanged by her legs and whose hair was ripped from her head. Memories of the young woman teacher who was raped by thirteen Arabs before her par­ents' eyes, and of the young girl who was saved from being raped only when she pleaded to be killed. The "merciful" Arabs agreed.


Hebron...where the true nature of the Arab Muslim has been forever exposed.

Hebron...where the impossibility of Arab-Jewish coexistence is written in blood.






The Pogroms of 1936-1938


Despite the Arab riots of 1929, Jewish immigration and settlements continued to grow. Arab leaders protested against this new influx of immigrants and launched a campaign of terror in 1936. On April 15, armed Arabs stopped sever­al cars on the main road between Tulkarm and Shechem, killing two Jews and injuring two. It was the beginning of more than two years of terror, destruction and murder of Jews. Four days later, the city of Jaffa exploded in pogroms, with nine Jews murdered and fifty-seven injured the first day.


Also, Jewish neighborhoods bordering Tel Aviv were set ablaze and looted. Five more Jews were slaughtered the next day, and the massacres spread. A crowd of Jews leaving the Edison Cinema in Jerusalem are mowed down by Arab bullets. In another incident a bomb was thrown into a children's schoolyard. The toll mounted as Jews were murdered near Kfar Saba, Yaknaam, Haifa, and Safad. In Safad a gang of Arabs broke into the home of a poor scribe and killed him and his three small children. That scribe had done nothing to the Arabs of Safed. They murdered him simply because he was a Jew and he was available. The main thing was to kill Jews—none were spared. Women, children and those "close" to the Arabs were killed. Lewish Billig, a respected lecturer in Arabic literature at the Hebrew University, who had devoted his life to Arabic studies and was a "good friend" of the Arabs, was murdered in his house in Jerusalem.


The first phase of the Arab riots ended with 82 Jews dead and more than 400 wounded. Damage ran into the millions of dollars. Throughout 1937 Arabs attacked Jews in both towns and on roads. A few small bands of Jews started carrying out reprisals, but the Jewish National Council—the official representative of the Jews—condemned all such reprisals and urged the Jewish population to maintain the same restraint it had showed the preceding year. It called on the people to avoid all outbursts or harming of innocent people in spite of the blatant provocation by Arabs.


It is amazing how little things change. Sixty-three years later, after making far-reaching concessions to the Palestinians, after helping them establish their own autonomous areas (which will become a Palestinian state), they have begun a new "Jihad" because the Jews refused to hand all of Jerusalem over to them as their new capital. Once again the Arab beast is free to rape, maim and butcher as many Jews as he can get his hands on. And once again the Jewish leadership is urging restraint, even to the point of tying the hands of the IDF so they cannot properly defend either the Israeli population or themselves—and again, the world gives its sympathy to the murderer rather than the victim.






The Need For Separation

By 1936 it was becoming painfully obvious (at least to the British) that the Arabs had no intention of allowing a Jewish state to be established on what they considered their land. This realization brought two specific responses from British authorities. First, they appointed a commission—later known as the "Peel Commission"—to seek a solution to the problem. In July of 1937 that commission issued its conclusions. It recommended the partition of Western Palestine into two separate states—one Jewish, one Arab. Under the proposal, the British would retain control of a corridor from Jaffa to Jerusalem. The Jews reluctantly accepted the plan but the Arabs rejected it. In July of 1937 the Arab Higher Committee, speaking for the Arabs of Palestine, issued this statement regarding partition:­




"The Arabs of Palestine are the owners of the country...The Jews on the other hand are a minority of intruders ­who before the war had no real standing in this country and whose political connections therewith had been severed for almost 2,000 years."




Next, the British introduced a strict limit on Jewish immigration—a maximum of 8000 between August 1937 and March 1938. This policy was to become a pattern. The Arabs would riot and kill Jews (and British soldiers as well), and in response, the British would put new limits on Jewish immigration and land purchases. In 1939, as the result of still more pressure by the Arabs, Britain published its infamous "White Paper," curtailing immigration even further at a time when persecution in Germany was reaching its height and the Jews desperately needed a place of refuge.


From 1937 to 1947 various partition plans were drafted by world organizations because it was obvious there needed to be a separation of the Jewish and Arab populations. The Jewish Agency drafted two different partition plans of their own, one in 1938 and one in 1946. Ironically, both the Jewish proposals, and virtually all of the other proposals as well, included the West Bank within the borders of the proposed Arab state. Thus, the territory the Palestinians of Israel are demanding today is the very territory they rejected 50 years ago. On November 29, 1947, the General Assembly of the United Nations voted on its own partition plan. They set up both a Jewish state and an Arab state in Western Palestine and fixed their borders. The "national home" that was promised to the Jews had shrunk to less than 18% of its original size and was to be in three segments. Jerusalem was to be an international zone.





The Jews accepted the partition but the Arabs not only rejected it, they immediately attacked Jewish settlements all over Palestine. For the Arabs, who have not changed their position one iota in over 60 years, nothing less than all of Palestine would do. In the twelve days following the U.N. vote, 79 Jews were killed by Arabs. The British—who were still responsible for law and order—did not always enforce it. Sometimes they would disarm a Jewish defense group, which would then be attacked by armed Arabs. The Jews defended themselves, and in some places, counter-attacked. During this same period 32 Arabs were killed, some by Jews and some by British police.


Those who claim the British helped the Jews establish their state don't know what they are talking about. The time-frame in which the British government was favorable towards the establishment of a "national home" for the Jews in Palestine was very short. The Balfour Declaration was passed in 1917. By the mid-1930s the policy of the British government was exactly the reverse. It fought the drive for Jewish statehood, viewing it as a threat to its empire and its relations with the Arabs. The "White Paper" was meant to be the death knell for the proposed Jewish state, for it guaranteed indefinitely an Arab majority in Palestine. The British fully intended that by the time they left, there would only be one independent state established in Western Palestine—an Arab one.


While it is true that some British soldiers and officers serving in Palestine were more sympathetic to the Jews than to the Arabs, and as a result, risked their lives (and endangered their careers) in order to save the lives of Jews who were about to be butchered by Arab gangsters, it is just as true that these were all individual cases. British troops who sympathized with the Jews or helped the Jews did so in spite of government policy, not in obedience to it, for that policy had become decidedly pro-Arab. During the partition vote in 1948, Britain abstained—again betraying its purpose for being in Palestine. Finally, as if to give the Jews one last slap in the face, when British troops left Palestine on the eve of Israel's independence they turned over strategic positions and equipment to the Arabs. 


Arab attacks continued unabated from December 12 till the end of 1947. At the same time, there was an increase in Jewish reprisals. But the Jewish Agency, ever hopeful that the Arabs would listen to reason and decide to live in peace with the Jews, consistently opposed these reprisals. On December 10 it denounced them publicly as "spectacular exploits to gratify popular feeling." Its own defense group, the Haganah, confined its activities to defending Jewish settlements and repulsing Arab attacks.


It is important to understand the difference between the actions of the Jews and the actions of the Arabs in the land, for their actions reveal what kind of people they are. After decades of watching fellow Jews being ruthlessly butchered, a few small groups of Jews began to carry out reprisals. Even so, they were in the minority. The vast majority of Jews—including the Jewish Agency, which was the official representative of the Jews—rejected and denounced all such actions. They called for restraint and they continually reached out to the Arabs in order to try and convince them that a Jewish state would be a blessing to all.


Even those who did join groups like the Irgun or the Stern Group carried out their reprisals as military operations. They did not rape or torture or mutilate people. They didn't butcher old men and women or little children. Neither did they disembowel or drink the blood of their enemies. In stark contrast, the overwhelming majority of Arabs in Palestine—especially the Arab leadership—publicly encouraged all Arabs to kill every Jew they could get their hands on. They publicly encouraged them to kill them in the most brutal and sickening manner in order to avenge the blood of their fellow Arabs and bring glory to the Arab nation, as well as to their demon-god, Allah.


Once agin, nothing has changed since then. On October 13, 2000, the official Palestinian TV station broadcast the day's sermon from the Zayed bin Sultan Aal Nahyan mosque in Gaza. The speaker, Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, is a member of the PA-appointed "Fatwa Council" and former Rector of the Islamic University in Gaza. His words are very instructive, for they represent perfectly the Muslim Arab mind-set regarding the State of Israel in general and Jews in particular. After calling all Israelis "terrorists," he went on to say all Jews:




"...must be butchered and killed, as Allah the Almighty said: 'Fight them: Allah will torture them at your hands, and will humiliate them and will help you to overcome them'...Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them ‑ and those who stand by them ‑ they are all in one trench against the Arabs and the Muslims because they established Israel here, in the beating heart of the Arab world, in Palestine...We will not give up a single grain of soil of Palestine, from Haifa, and Jaffa, and Acre, and Mulabbas [Petah Tikva] and Salamah, and Majdal [Ashkelon], and all the land, and Gaza, and the West Bank...Let us put our trust in Allah, close ranks, and unite our words, and the slogan of us all should be, 'Jihad! Jihad! For the sake of Palestine, and for the sake of Jerusalem and Al‑Aqsa!'"




Dr. Halabiya is a PA official—a supposed "peace partner" of Israel—and he is openly calling for the reconquest of all Israel and the murder of every Jew in the Muslim world. Those who think the people of Israel can, or should even try, to achieve "peace" with demon-possessed murderers like him need psychological treatment! How can you make peace with people like that? Why should you even try? He and those like him understand only one kind of language: the power of the sword. In his mind, Israel's desire to make peace with her sworn enemies, and her willingness to make any kind of concession necessary to achieve that peace, is not an admirable quality—it is a sign of weakness. It is a sign that sooner or later the Palestinians will reconquer all of Israel.






The Palestinian "Refugee" Problem


month, as Arabs tried to cut the roads to Jerusalem and kill every Jew either entering or leaving the city. They also attacked Jewish settlements around the city. On march 11, they planted a bomb at the Jewish Agency in the center of the city, killing 13 Jews. The Jews defended themselves, and in addition, Jewish groups like the Irgun took fierce reprisals. During the month over 70 Jews and 230 Arabs were killed in the Jerusalem area. In the Haifa area 20 Jews and over 100 Arabs were killed.


At the beginning of April, spasmodic fighting ended and Arab military units from Syria, Iraq and Egypt increased their efforts to drive the Jews from the Galilee and the Negev. But the Jews defended their settlements. As the British would withdraw from towns, Arabs and Jews would fight for control of them. The Jews took Tiberias (April 19), Haifa (April 23), Acre (April 26), Safed (May 11), and Jaffa (May 12). In Safed they repulsed 3000 Syrian and Iraqi troops in house-to-house fighting.


The events leading up to the Israel's War of Independence in 1948 must be kept clearly in mind. Up until a few weeks before the war, and for decades prior, the Arabs of Western Palestine had been engaged in riots, terrorism and pogroms against the Jews in an effort to prevent the birth of a Jewish state of any size on what they considered to be exclusively their land. Throughout the 1947 U.N. partition debate the Palestine Arab Higher Committee threatened war. Jamal Husseini, the committee's spokesman, said: "the partition line proposed shall be nothing but a line of fire and blood."


Five days later the U.N. voted for partition and the Arabs began their war to prevent implementation of the resolution. Roads were mined, settlements isolated,  apartments in Jerusalem were blown up and convoys ambushed. One such convoy contained 78 Jewish doctors, nurses and scientists who were on their way to the Hadassah Hospital on Mt. Scopus. It was ambushed and every one was murdered.


Back at the United Nations, the U.N. Palestine Commission was blocked by both Arab opposition and British refusal to cooperate. It never went to Palestine to implement the resolution. The result was that the U.N. blamed the Arabs for the war. The Arabs never disclaimed responsibility. On the contrary, they claimed credit. Jamal Husseini told the Security Council:



"The representative of the Jewish Agency told us yesterday that they were not the attackers, that the Arabs had begun the fighting. We did not deny this. We told the whole world that we were going to fight."




The Arabs in Palestine had already begun their war of "fire and blood" when  they received instructions by both local Arab political leaders and the heads of the surrounding Arab states to make room for the massive attack that was being planned. By mid-April they began leaving their villages in large numbers.  They were told that after the glorious Arab armies drove the Jews into the sea they would not only return to their own property, but would also take possession of the Jew's property.


Of course, the Arabs now deny this fact and claim they were driven out. But there is ample proof of the self-inflicted exodus. John Bagot Glubb, the former (British) commander of the Arab Legion and champion of Arab nationalism confirmed in the London Daily Mail in August of 1948 that: "villages were frequently abandoned even before they were threatened by the progress of war." On September 5, 1954, a Jordanian paper, Ad-Difaa, put it very bluntly:




"We were masters in our land, happy with our lot...but overnight everything changed. The Arab government told us, 'Get out so we can get in.' So we got out but they  [the Arab government] did not get in."




In February of 1962 an Arab citizen of Israel named Salim Joubran told the story of his own experience during that time:




"The Arab High Command asked us to leave the country for two weeks to make the battle easier for them. They told us, 'A cannon does not differentiate between a Jew and an Arab. Leave the country for two weeks and you will come back victorious...' I heard the Haganah micro-phone asking the Arabs to remain and live peacefully with their Jewish brethren. The late Jewish Mayor of Haifa also asked us to go back to our homes. The Histadrut, the Jewish trade union, was distributing leaflets asking the Arabs to come back. I still have that leaflet."



Another reason for the exodus was due to the fact that the Arabs of Palestine, knowing what they would have done to the Jews had they won the battles over these cities, were scared to death. They assumed the Jews would take revenge for all the atrocities committed against them during the preceding 50 years. And while there is evidence that some Jews were purposely frightening the Arabs so they would leave, once again, the majority were telling them to stay put. The British police superintendent in Haifa reported in a secret cable to police headquarters in Jerusalem, April 26, 1948, that:




"Every effort is being made by the Jews to persuade the Arab populace to stay and carry on with their normal lives, to get their shops and businesses open and to be assured that their lives and interests will be safe."




Many more examples of this Jewish effort could be provided but space does not permit it. Jewish leaders like David Ben Gurion, Golda Meir, the Mayor of Haifa, also the Council of Safed, the Histradrut (Jewish Labor Union), and many other Jewish spokesman pleaded with the Arabs not to leave their homes and villages. But the most striking example is that the call to stay put and live in peace was written right into Israel's Proclamation of Independence—and this was done after decades of Arab terrorism, murder and bestiality:




"In the midst of wanton aggression, we yet call upon the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to return to the ways of peace and to play their part in the development of the state, with full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its bodies and institutions, provisional or permanent."




Yet nothing could stop the Arab flight, and on May 15, 1948, Egypt, Syria, Trans-Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq invaded the one-day-old State of Israel. The Arab armies advanced rapidly, threatening to drive the Jews into the sea. But the Israelis resisted, and after ten days they were able to counter-attack. They reopened the road to Jerusalem, won control of the Coastal Plain, secured the Upper Galilee, and drove the Egyptians from the Negev. When the dust settled, instead of a tiny grotesque state in three sections, joined by two narrow checkpoints and with an Arab population constituting more than 40% of its citizens, there was now a larger and more stable Israel with only 150,000 shell-shocked Arabs as its citizens.


The following map shows where the Arabs went—36% fled to surrounding Arab states, while 64% never left Western Palestine at all. What they did was flee to areas within Western Palestine that under the partition plan would have been included in the new Arab state—the state they had rejected in favor of going to war. That area consisted of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.  During the course of the war, the Jordanians captured the West Bank, along with half of Jerusalem (including all the Old City with the Temple Mount). The Egyptians captured the Gaza Strip. Thus, the same areas that were slated to become a second Palestinian Arab state in Mandate Palestine under the U.N. partition plan were now in Arab hands.












































As soon as the Jordanians captured Judea and Samaria (West Bank) they began driving out the Jewish residents, just as they had done in 1921 after becoming an independent state. The Jewish towns, villages, or kibbutzim of Atarot, Bet Haarava, Ein Tzurim, Gush Etzion, Kallia, Massuot Yizhak, Neve Yakov, Revadim and the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem were all swept clean of Jews. Everything Jewish was destroyed or taken over. ­Thirty-four synagogues in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem were destroyed.


Two years later, Jordan illegally annexed the West Bank and incorporated it into the state. It gave all the Arab residents, both those who had lived there prior to the war and those who had recently fled there, automatic Jordanian citizenship. This annexation was declared unlawful, not only by the Arab League, but almost unanimously by the United Nations as well—the only exceptions being Britain (of course!) and Pakistan.


The Arabs who fled to the Gaza Strip were less fortunate than those who fled to the West Bank. Egypt would not give them citizenship and it kept them in primitive "refugee camps." It told them their only option was to reconquer Palestine. From 1948 till 1967 those refugee camps were in reality terrorist training camps.


It is important that we keep in mind the factual, historical events that led up to the war, for regardless of what would transpire after 1948, these facts are the only basis upon which a just settlement of the Palestinian question can be resolved. It has been the Arab intention ever since then to obscure and completely re-invent these realities, and to a very great degree they have succeeded.


Nobody seems to remember that: (1) The Arabs living in the land started the war to drive the Jews out of Western Palestine immediately after the U.N. voted to partition the area into Jewish and Arab states. (2) The Arabs living outside the land presumed they could finish the job the Arabs of Palestine had started and instructed them to leave their homes, villages and towns to make room for them to attack. This was the unanimous decision of the surrounding Arab states, and the local Arab leaders were in complete agreement with it.


Thus, by all rational, moral and objective standards, since the Arabs of Palestine started the war, and since they turned their war over to the surrounding Arab states who ended up losing the war for them, it is they who caused the refugee problem and it is they who bare the responsibility of solving it. Interestingly enough, the Arabs admitted immediately after the war that they were at least partially responsible for the refugee problem. Emile Ghoury, secretary of the Palestine Arab Higher Committee, said on September 6, 1948, in an interview with the Beirut Telegraph:




"The fact that there are these refugees is the direct consequence of the act of the Arab states in opposing partition and the Jewish state. The Arab states agreed upon this policy unanimously, and they must share in the solution of the problem."




Moreover, once in a while Arab leaders let the truth slip out. Former Syrian Prime Minister, Khaled al-Azzem, in his memoirs stated quite frankly that:




"Since 1948 it is we who have demanded the return of the refugees while it is we who have made them leave. We have rendered them dispossessed. We have accustomed them to begging. We have participated in lowering their moral and social level. Then we exploited them in executing crimes of murder, arson and throwing bombs at men, women and children."




Of course, today the Arabs deny all responsibility for the refugee problem. They say everything was Israel's fault. Israel started the war; Israel drove the Arabs out of Palestine by force; etc., etc., ad nauseam. For 50 years Arab leaders have been arrogantly proclaiming that Israel is responsible for the suffering of the Palestinian people, and as such, should resolve the Palestinian "problem." While all the time it has been the Arabs themselves who are not only responsible for the problem itself, but are also responsible for making sure that it has remained unsolved all these years! 


There are 22 Arab states which constitute a vast territory, and which have at their disposal a huge supply of resources. The "refugees" are fellow Arabs who speak the same language, have the same religion, and are part of the same culture. Let the Arabs either resettle them and integrate them into their society, or if they are so concerned that they have a national homeland, let them carve a new Palestinian state out of one of their own territories!






How Many Refugees?


Arab propagandists have always tried to vastly inflate the number of Palestinian refugees and the United Nations has supported that lie. Arabs claim the war produced 1,000,000 Palestinian refugees, while the U.N. puts the figure at a little over 700,000. The preceding refugee map was based on U.N. estimates, which are questionable.


According to the British Survey Palestine—which was well-known for its tendency to inflate Arab numbers—in 1947 there were approximately 800,000 - 900,000 Arabs living in Western Palestine. Out of this total, some 561,000 actually lived on the territory that became Israel after the war. Out of these 561,000 Arabs, 150,000 stayed in Israel after the war. Thus, the number of bona fide refugees could not have been more than 415,000.


In September of 1948 the United Nations Special Representative in Palestine estimated the number of refugees at 360,000. Yet only three months later the United Nations Disaster Relief Organization reported they were feeding 750,000 refugees. Seven months later the figure had risen to 1,000,000. In 1966, UNRWA set the number at over 1,300,000 when the true number was actually 360 to 400 thousand—a difference of at least 900 thousand people. By the mid 1980's the number had climbed to 2,000,000 in UNRWA reports. Today the number is set at up to 4,000,000 by Palestinian spokesmen.


It should be noted that since 1949 these "refugees" have been fed, clothed, housed and educated by UNRWA, which is largely funded by the United States (taxpayers!) to the tune of 60-100 million dollars a year. Think of the irony of this situation. Our tax dollars are housing, feeding and educating terrorist murders. In the past few decades, our tax dollars helped kill over 200 American Marines in Lebanon and other Americans, both in the U.S. and around the world!


No reliance can be placed upon statistical figures from UNRWA because less than 18 months after the war's end, Howard Kennedy, the UNRWA director, declared that hundreds of thousands of their "hungry Arabs" were not refugees! In 1961 another UNRWA director, John Davis, admitted that their refugee counts included other Arabs and said that it would be "wrong to deny them aid merely because they weren't legally qualified."


The most exhaustive research into the refugee problem comes from Joan Peters, who spent 7 years producing her monumental ­work: "From Time Immemorial: The Origins of The Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine." Peters and her assistants painstakingly sifted through boxes of British governmental data that literally filled rooms from floor to ceiling, and she searched the entire archives of some of the world's largest Public Libraries.


­In her book, Peters strips away the thousands of nomads that were wrongfully included with the "settled population" figure in official statistics. She carefully documents the thousands of government ­recorded Arab immigrants, and also the 170,000 in-migrants from the Arab areas of Western Palestine (non-Jewish settled areas).


This 170,000 should not have been categorized as "refugees" because they simply went home to their villages and towns outside of the truce lines after the war. With the "non-settled" Arabs removed from the population totals, along with the 150,000 that remained in Israel, Peters concludes that the maximum possible number of genuine refugees could have been no more than 340,000—which, by the way, matches closely the U.N. Special Representative's original estimate of 360,000 back in September of 1948.






A Weapon Against Israel


The average person has no idea that the Palestinian refugee "problem" is not a problem at all. Rather, it is an integral part of Arab strategy in their war with Israel. In 1961, while the "occupied territories" were occupied by Jordan and Egypt—not Israel—President Nasser of Egypt said: "If refugees return to Israel, Israel will cease to exist." That is the purpose behind the continuation of the refugee problem.


The refugees could have easily been absorbed into the surrounding Arab nations with all their wealth and resources, but Arab leaders recognized early that the suffering of the refugees was a powerful propaganda tool that could be used to eventually destroy Israel. Thus, most of the bona fide refugees who fled to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the surrounding Arab states, were confined in refugee camps, denied citizenship (except in Jordan) and deliberately prevented from integrating into Arab society. Violently anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda was distributed throughout the camps—which later began to double as training camps for terrorists—and the Palestinians were told the only option they had was to retake the territory they lost in 1948. 


The role of the Palestinian refugee became clearly defined and was integrated into Arab foreign policy. That role was broadcast over Radio Cairo in 1957, which stated bluntly that: "the refugees are the corner stone in the Arab struggle against Israel, [they] are the armaments [weapons] of the Arabs and Arab nationalism." Suffering was the price the Palestinians were (and still are) required to pay for the "greater good" of the Arab nation. Back in 1958, before the U.N. became a center for anti-Israel bias, a frustrated UNRWA official named Ralph Galloway very candidly explained the situation:



"The Arab states do not want to solve the refugee problem. They want to keep it as an open a weapon against Israel. Arab leaders do not give a damn whether Arab refugees live or die."




Neither the Arab nations or the United Nations want the refugees out of the camps; they want Israel out of the land. The refugee problem is strictly political. Their suffering is of no real concern to those who use them. This callous attitude of Arab leaders towards fellow Arabs is one of the great ironies of "Arab nationalism." In the name of Arab nationalism, Arab governments condemned their own "brethren" to decades of needless suffering and humiliation. The Palestinians are usually silent regarding their feelings of betrayal and of being used, but in an unusually candid outburst, the Director of the Palestine Congress of North America, Fawaz Turki, explained his feelings in 1970:




" I grew up my bogeyman was not the Jew (despite the incessant propaganda that Radio Cairo subjected us to), nor was he the Zionist (if indeed I recognized the distinction), nor was he for that matter the imperialist or the Western supporters and protectors of the State of Israel. He was the Arab—the Arab in the street who asked if you'd ever heard the one about the Palestinian who... The Arab at the Aliens Section who wanted you to wait obsequiously [in humiliation] for your work permit. The Arab at the police station who felt he possessed a carte blanche to mistreat you. The Arab who rejected you, and most crucially, who took away from you your sense of hope and direction. He was the bogeyman you saw every morning and every night and every new year of every decade; tormenting you, reducing you, dehumanizing you and confirming your servitude."



In 1972, the Mayor of Gaza, Rashad Ashawa, refused to allow Israel to install sewage, water and cleaning facilities for the 40,000 residents of the Shatti refugee camp. Ashawa said that "granting services to the Palestinians in the camp would make them fully ­fledged citizens and make them forget they were refugees." From time to time, Arab leaders have twinges of conscience and actually publicly acknowledge their part in the conspiracy of refugee suffering. In 1960, the now-deceased head of Jordan, King Hussein, frankly admitted:




"Since 1948, Arab leaders have approached the Palestine problem in an irresponsible manner...They have used the Palestinian people for selfish political purposes. This is ridiculous and, I could say, even criminal."




In June of 1992 the Middle East Intelligence Digest cited an Arab official of Lebanon, Haled as Azm, as saying:




"We have brought destruction upon a million Arab refugees by calling upon them and pleading with them to leave their land, their homes, their work and their business, and we have caused them to be barren and unemployed though each one of them had been working and qualified in a trade from which he could make a living. In addition, we accustomed them to begging for hand-outs and to suffice with what little the United Nations organization would allocate them."




Years before the Israeli Army liberated the West Bank and Gaza, the demand for the return of Palestinian refugees to their original homes and towns inside Israel proper was understood to be the demand for Israel to commit national suicide. That this is the case is made plain by various Arab sources.




"It is well-known and understood that the Arabs, in demanding the return of the refugees to Palestine, means their return as masters of the Homeland and not as slaves. With greater clarity, they mean the liquidation of the State of Israel."


October 1949


"Any discussion aimed as a solution of the Palestine problem which will not be based on ensuring the refugees right to annihilate Israel will be regarded as a desecration of the Arab people and an act of treason."

Beirut al Massa - Lebanon

July 1957



In January of 1996, after the suicide bombings carried out by Hamas terrorists operating from the safe haven of Arafat's Palestinian Authority, news of an unpublicized meeting between Arafat and Swedish‑based Arab diplomats in Stockholm reached Israel. In the meeting, Arafat estimated that the final‑stage agreements between the Palestinians and Israel will ultimately bring about Israel's collapse.


He reportedly told the diplomats that a migration of Arabs to "the West Bank and Jerusalem" and the psychological warfare the Palestinians would wage against the Israelis would cause a massive emigration of Jews to the United States. "We will take over everything, including all of Jerusalem," the PLO leader declared, claiming Israeli leaders "Peres and Beilin have already promised us half of Jerusalem. The Golan Heights have already been given away, subject to just a few details." He went on to say:




"We of the PLO will now concentrate all our efforts on splitting Israel psychologically into two camps...Within five years, we will have six to seven million Arabs living on the West Bank and in Jerusalem. All Palestinian Arabs will be welcomed by us. If the Jews can import all kinds of Ethiopians, Russians, Uzbeks and Ukranians as Jews, we can import all kinds of Arabs to us...We will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion; Jews won't want to live among us Arabs."






The Palestine Liberation Organization


It is important that people understand what happened—and also what didn't happen—with regards to both the refugees and the Arab states between 1948 and 1967. During those years Jordan had control of the West Bank and Egypt had control of the Gaza Strip. The territory Israel had in its possession was that which had been allotted to it under the partition plan, plus a small additional amount.


It was during these years that the Palestine Liberation Organization was formed as an umbrella organization for the various Arab/Palestinian terrorist factions that had been formed in the surrounding Arab states after the war. In 1964, Egypt's President Nasser hired a rabidly anti‑Semitic lawyer named Ahmed ash‑Shuqairy to create the PLO. The organization was created to fulfill the duel purpose of serving as a weapon to destroy Israel, and as an instrument to keep the various Palestinian factions under a measure of control.


Arafat's "Fatah" faction is the oldest and most powerful in the PLO. In 1969, Arafat was elected president of this organization of professional butchers. Fatah is an Arabic term meaning "conquest." Specifically, it carries the connotation of  Muslim conquest of non‑Muslim lands. Fatah also happens to be the title of the 48th Sura of the Koran. In that passage Allah promised the prophet Mohammed that if he returned from Medina (his exile) to Mecca (his home) he would conquer his enemies. Mohammed returned and was indeed victorious. Thus, the very word "Fatah" resonates with meaning in the Arab ear. Indeed, Arafat picked a very appropriate name for his cause.


Other factions were later formed. A Greek Orthodox physician named George Habash formed the "Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine" (PFLP), which later became the second largest PLO faction. Na'if Hawatmeh formed the "Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine" (DFLP). Other early factions included the Syrian-backed "Saiqa" (Thunderbolt) and the Iraqi-backed Arab Liberation Front. By the 1990s, dozens of splinter groups had been formed from the major factions.


The establishment of the PLO had nothing to do with "Palestinian" nationalism. At that time there was no such thing as Palestinian nationalism; there was only Arab nationalism. This is evidenced by the text of the PLO Charter. Shuqairy omitted any reference to a Palestinian state. Article 3 referred to a homeland that is an "inseparable part of the Arab nation." Article 24 stated frankly that: "this organization shall not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank, [Egypt's] Gaza Strip or the Himma area" [Syria's Golan Heights].


The goal of the PLO was not to establish a Palestinian state that would be separate or distinct from the rest of the Arab nation. Neither was the goal to liberate the "occupied territories" because the Gaza Strip and the West Bank were already under Arab control. In 1964, the only territory that Nasser's organization could possibly "liberate" was the State of Israel. Thus, the goal of the PLO from its inception to this very day has been, as its name implies, the "liberation" of Palestine—all of it. Arafat has never abandoned this goal, not even for a minute.


In October 1973, after the Arabs had lost their fourth war with Israel, the PLO became convinced that they would not be able to destroy Israel militarily within its post‑1967 boundaries. They embarked upon a new three‑stage strategy for its eventual destruction—which was later embodied in the PLO's 1974 decision, commonly known as the "Phased Plan." In brief, the Plan calls for terrorism and negotiations to proceed side by side in an effort to establish an "independent national authority" over any territory that is "liberated" from Israeli rule. This newly acquired territory will then become a base from which to continue and accelerate the war against Israel. At this point Arafat will try to provoke an all‑out war in which Israel's Arab neighbors join together to destroy it entirely.






What Is A Palestinian?

It is a testimony to the Arab's ability to deceive the whole world that the average person automatically thinks "Arab" when the term "Palestinian" is used. The truth is that not until after Israel's War of Independence in 1948 did the Arabs of Palestine begin referring to themselves as "Palestinians." Up until that point they prefered to call themselves, very simply, Arabs.


Technically speaking, from 1918-1948 the population of Palestine (excluding the British) was divided between Palestinian Arabs and Palestinian Jews). If you lived in the land you were considered a "Palestinian" by the British government. Palestinian was a technical term. It did not portray any specific nationality or culture. In those days there were only two nationalities living in Palestine—Jews and Arabs. Consequently, there were only two national movements in Palestine—Jewish Zionism and Arab Nationalism.


While the official title of the territory was Palestine, and while all people living there had to carry an identity card with the name "Palestine" stamped on it, in society the term Palestinian had become synonymous with Jews. Thus, when Britain formed a Jewish group to help fight Hitler, it was called the Palestine Brigade. The Palestinian Symphony was a Jewish orchestra. The Palestine Post (later renamed the Jerusalem Post) was a Jewish newspaper. Jewish water and electric companies all began with the name Palestine or Palestinian. This is why, before 1949, the Arabs of Palestine refused to be called Palestinians. They considered both themselves and the land part of the larger Arab world and demanded to be called, quite simply, Arabs.


After Israel was established, Jewish organizations and businesses dropped the terms "Palestine" and "Palestinian" and replaced them with the terms "Israel" and "Israeli"—and the Jewish people began referring to themselves as "Israelis." The terms Palestine and Palestinian were no longer synonymous with Jews and Jewish things. It was at this point that the Arab refugees saw the value of the terms for themselves and their goal of eventually destroying Israel.


After 1949 the Arabs began to invent, out of thin air, a distinct and separate Arab Palestinian people and culture. Suddenly Western Palestine, including what had become Israel, was said to have been a distinctly separate Palestinian entity before the war, with its own peculiar national people and culture. Overnight a new Palestinian Arab history emerged, and with it a new political spin: the Jews had come from Russia, Europe and various other places, and displaced the "original Palestinian people" who had lived there "from time immemorial."


No matter that up to 30% of the new Arab refugees had immigrated to Palestine from all over the world within the past few years, or decades at the most, just like the Jews had done. No matter that there is not a bit of difference between the supposedly distinct "Palestinian" language, culture and religion and that of the "Arab Nation." No matter that under the Ottoman Empire, Mandate Palestine was part of an area known as "Greater Syria." All these historical facts meant nothing to unscrupulous liars and murderers. As Zuhair Moshen, late head of the Military  Department of the PLO bluntly put it:




"There is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese. It is for political reasons only that we carefully emphasize our Palestinian identity, because it is in the national interest of the Arabs [ie., Arab Nationalism] to encourage the existence of Palestinians against Zionism. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new expedient to continue the fight against Zionism and for Arab unity."




Even if such a distinct national Palestinian identity did exist, they still do not have the automatic right to sovereignty as long as their sovereignty directly threatens the sovereignty of Israel. Such is indisputably the case with the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza, for they themselves boast that they will "liberate Palestine [all Israel] with spirit and with blood."


The next time your Palestinian American friends start telling you how the Palestinians deserve to have their own sovereign state because they have lived on the land from time immemorial, ask them a few simple questions. Ask them when there was ever a "Palestinian" state run by Palestinians in the region. Ask them if the language they speak is Palestinian or Arabic, and if their religion is Palestinian or Islam.


Palestinians have no moral, legal or national right to self-determination because they are not a distinctly separate nationality. Does this mean they should continue to suffer? Of course not. The refugee situation should be resolved. But should it be resolved by giving them a sovereign state? Not unless the new state is carved out of one of the existing 22 Arab states! Neither the Arabs or the U.S. or the U.N. have the moral right to demand that Israel give territory it has won in 4 defensive wars to people who are still bent on its destruction!


The intentions of the Palestinians have always been clear. They have consistently stated that their goal is the liquidation of Israel. At the moment they will settle for less—a mini-state in the heart of Israel—but the battle to "liberate" Palestine is an eternal battle. It will never end until the Jews have been driven out and the State of Israel dismantled.


In 1988, the local representatives of the Palestinian population (not the PLO) wrote a five-point "political document" to clarify their position. In point 1 of the document they reaffirmed that the PLO was indeed their "sole" representative. In point 5 they stated:



"We reject any conditions for concessions which demand from the victim [ie., the Palestinians] things like recognizing [UN resolution] 242 and halting fedayeen operations. After the establishment of a Palestinian state, it would be the right of sovereignty to recognize or not recognize, establish or not establish relations with any other state."



These statements are important because Resolution 242 calls on the various states involved in the conflict to "recognize" the rights of each other (including Israel) to exist within secure established borders. But the Palestinians say they want to establish their state before they recognize Israel's right to exist. They want their Palestinian state established without having to recognize the Jewish state! The reference to "fedayeen operations" means terrorism against Israeli civilians.  Thus, the Palestinians also want to establish their state before ending their terrorist war against Jewish civilians. Arafat summed up the Palestinian position very appropriately in 1980. He said, "Peace for us means the destruction of Israel."






The Israeli Arabs


The exodus of Arabs in 1948 was more than just a qualitative loss to the Arabs who remained: it was a quantitative loss as well. Those who fled consisted mostly of the higher social classes. Wealthy landlords and rich merchants, the religious dignitaries, lawyers, doctors, engineers, writers, and journalists were the first to take flight, depriving the remaining population of all centers of initiative. The Arabs who were left were for the most part fellahin: feudal peasants, ignorant and illiterate. The last thing in the world they wanted was a political struggle. Knowing what they would have done to the Jews had the Arabs won the war, they huddled fearfully, hoping just to live.


They did that and more. These 150,000 Arabs—as well as the 65,000 refugees who were allowed to return under a special family reunification plan—were given Israeli citizenship and came under the care of a liberal, humanistic government that believed in the innate goodness of mankind. A government that was convinced that if the Arabs were treated well they would learn to appreciate the Jews and eventually become loyal to the Jewish state. Thus, the government preceded to institute a clever "head and stomach" policy, the philosophy of which was: feed and educate the Israeli Arab into a democratic, liberal, Jew-loving citizen.


For the next 19 years the "progressing" Israeli Arab would assume a low profile because, after all, he was ignorant and poor. All he wanted to do was make a living. It's not that he loved the Jews or their state. Rather, it was that he was traumatized by defeat—a simple person without leadership, living (until 1966) under military rule that prevented him from freely moving about. With the help of the government this group that faced unemployment in the cities, and famine and no source of credit in the villages, evolved into the comfortable Israeli Arab community of today (over 700,000 strong).


Always ready to glory in its "democratic" values and good will towards its Arab citizens, and also in commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the state, in 1973 the government issued a pamphlet entitled, Arabs in Israel. The introduction reads as follows:




The Israeli Arabs

Since the creation of the State of Israel its minority population has grown from 150,000 to 400,000. During the 25 years of statehood remarkable accomplishments in many fields have been achieved by this minority. The principle of equal rights for the Arabs of Israel, proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, has indeed been realized. The minorities enjoy religious freedom, full voting rights and the right of founding political organizations, both nationally and locally.


The educational system has developed considerably. The number of students and pupils has grown from 10,000 on the eve of the foundation of the state, to 125,000 today. 10,000 students attend secondary schools, and more than 1,000 study at institutes of higher learning. The Arab village has changed its face since the creation of the state. In the framework of two five‑year plans basic services were established: roads, water, electricity, schools, health centers and other institutions of public interest. The completion of these services marked the beginning of the industrialization of the Arab village.


Factories and workshops, which also employ Arab women, were opened; modern, mechanized agricultural systems were introduced, which enable a more efficient and intensive exploitation and thus a higher yield. 45,000 (11,250 acres) dunams are now being irrigated by artificial means, as compared to 8,000 (2,000 acres) dunams before the introduction of the new systems. The socio-economic development of this section of the population greatly advances its integration into all fields of life of the State of Israel.




While the "socio-economic development" of the Israeli Arab was advancing, the Palestinian refugees were being kept in rat-infested camps in the surrounding Arab states, while being encouraged to continue fighting  for the liberation of Palestine through terrorism. It was quite a contrast. The Israeli Arab was a legally protected "minority" who was advancing by leaps and bounds; politically, economically, educationally and materially. The Palestinian refugee, on the other hand, was like a caged animal. He was abused and manipulated and treated like a dog by his fellow Arabs. The line separating these two populations was only a few miles wide, but it was like two completely different worlds. Those two worlds collided in 1967.


On May 14 of that year, Egypt began mobilizing its troops. On May 22, it declared over Radio Cairo that it had closed the Strait of Tiran to all Israeli ships, which was an act of war. On May 25, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia moved their troops to Israel's borders. This was the first time since the armistice agreements of 1949 that armies had gathered in such large numbers. This massive movement of troops was accompanied by an outburst of anti-Israel statements by Arab leaders and their government-controlled radio stations and newspapers.




"With the closing of the Gulf of Akaba, Israel is faced with two alternatives either of which will destroy it - it will either be strangled to death by the Arab military and economic boycott, or it will perish by the fire of the Arab forces encompassing it from the South from the North and from the East."

Cairo Radio -- May 30"


Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."

Egypt's President Nasser -- May 21


"The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear ‑ to wipe Israel off the map."

Iraqi President Aref -- May 31


"Under terms of the military agreement signed with Jordan, Jordanian artillery coordinated with the forces of Egypt and Syria is in a position to cut Israel in two at Kalkilya, where Israeli territory between the Jordan armistice line and the Mediterranean Sea is only twelve kilometers wide."

El Akhbar; Cairo Newspaper -- May 31


"This is a fight for the homeland ‑ it is either us or the Israelis. There is no middle road. The Jews of Palestine will have to leave. We will facilitate their departure to their former homes. Any of the old Palestine Jewish population who survive may stay, but it is my impression that none of them will survive."

 PLO Chairman Ahmed Shukairy -- June 1




The issue in 1967 was not over the size of the Jewish state, nor the return of the occupied territories, nor the self-determination of the poor suffering refugees. Rather, the issue was over Israel's existence—just as it has been up to this day. By June 4, Israel was out-numbered 3-1 by the Arab forces on its three land borders. All this, combined with the plain statements coming across the radio and press, convinced the Israelis that war was imminent. On June 5, Israel decided to pre-empt the Arab attack and struck air bases throughout Egypt. The battle was over in six days—thus it came to be known as "The Six-Day War." When the dust settled this time, Israel had captured the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights—and also another 800,000 Arabs.






An Arab Is An Arab


The majority of Jews seem incapable of grasping a few basic facts concerning the Israeli Arab. First of all, he is not a normal "minority." He is a defeated enemy who believes the Jews came from other nations and stole his land by force. Whether he passively accepts his minority status or actively resists it, he will always be convinced that the land is rightfully his.


Secondly, he does not "live by bread alone." He has nationalistic impulses and tendencies (as do all men) that can't be bought with indoor toilets and education. Those nationalistic desires are in his blood and they will never be completely quenched regardless of how well you treat him.


Thirdly—and this should be obvious but apparently it's not—he is neither a Jew or a Zionist. Moreover, he never will be! His identity is tied to the surrounding Arab world through history, language, religion and culture. Everything Zionist is not only foreign to him, it humiliates him.


What the Israeli Arab needs, the liberal "head and stomach" establishment will never be able to give him. He needs to dwell in and feel part of his own land, where the state represents his national and cultural aspirations, and where the majority of the people—those who control the state—are his people. But when his state is one whose national roots, majority, language, religion, culture, holidays, and very destiny are different from his own, what do people expect of him?


The Arab of Israel sits in a land in which he was once the majority, which he controlled, which was Arab, which was his. The Jew came from Russia, Poland, Morocco, Brooklyn and took it from him. That is how he sees it. That is his reality. That is why he has been murdering Jews in the land since 1886, and why he attempted to destroy the Jewish state at birth. He is a defeated enemy who suffered a humiliating disaster that turned him into a minority in a Jewish Zionist state, ruled by Jewish people.


Neither does Israel's Declaration of Independence have anything to say to this Arab. He is proclaimed a "free" and "equal" citizen of Israel. Equal in a state that is irrevocably Jewish? Where the majority will of necessity always be Jewish?  Equal in a state that grants automatic citizenship to Jews who never lived in the land, but denies the return of "his" people who fled in 1948, many of whom had lived in the land for generations?


Does he enjoy hearing how Eretz Yisrael was "the birthplace of the Jewish people" who were "exiled from their land," but "never ceased to pray and hope for their return?" His Declaration of Independence speaks of a Jewish exile and a dream of return. But the Arab is not a Jew and he was not exiled. If anything, the Jewish dream of return meant that he would become a minority in his own land. For the Arab who dreamed of Jews not returning, the Jewish dream was and still is a nightmare! When he is told to rise and sing his national anthem, "Hatikvah" (The Hope), which speaks of "the Jewish soul yearning" and "the hope of 2000 years," can he be expected to feel empathy?


In June of 1967, after 19 years of repressing and/or hiding his true feelings, the Israeli Arab was again able to meet and talk with other Arabs who were not Israelis, who called themselves "Palestinians," and who openly spoke of the day when the Jews would be driven out of Palestine. Israeli Arabs were suddenly given the opportunity to meet regularly with their own people who were refugees, who were struggling for what they understood to be a common goal—freedom.


The opening of the borders between Israel and the liberated areas was seen by the Jewish establishment as a good chance for the better-fed Israeli Arabs to demonstrate the benefits of Israeli occupation to the Palestinians. A child could have known that exactly the opposite would occur—and it did.


The Israeli Arab suddenly realized that he was neither meat nor milk. He was not a truly "equal" Israeli, but now he realized that he had not been a "Palestinian" all those years either! He also realized that he was looked upon by the Palestinians as a traitor who cooperated with and accepted citizenship from those who had stolen his land. In one fell swoop, all the factors that went into creating the new radical Israeli Arab came together.


With every passing year the warning signs of radicalization became more evident. It would take a whole book just to list them all. Yet the majority of the Israeli government refused to face reality. It chose instead to believe that its "head and stomach" policy had worked, that the Israeli Arab had become loyal to Israel, and that he had come to accept that his destiny was the same as the Zionist Jewish state.


The myth of peaceful coexistence is a persistent delusion that grows louder and more frantic in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary. Together with oranges and diamonds, it ranks as one of Israel's major exports. But the failure of the government's policy was thrust into the Jews' face in 1976—just three years after the publication of that idyllic little pamphlet, Arabs In Israel.


March 30, 1976 -- It's 9:00 A.M. in Sakhnin, an Arab village in the Galilee (northern Israel). This Israeli Arab village is a model of social and economic progress since 1948. It has good roads, electricity, water, schools and appliances in every home. All would agree that it has greatly advanced its integration into all fields of life in the State of Israel.


On this morning, more than a thousand free and equal Arab citizens of Israel are in the street facing a small number of police and soldiers. It's "Land Day," and the crowd grows larger by the minute. "Falastin, Falastin!" (Palestine, Palestine!), the mob roars. Other chants and shouts are heard: "The Galilee is Arab!"..."We will free the Galilee with blood and spirit!" Rocks are suddenly thrown in the direction of the soldiers and police.


The small group of security men stare in disbelief and growing nervousness. A fiery Molotov cocktail smashes against a wall a few yards away, then more and heavier stones, flaming torches, lighted cans of gasoline, and by now the soldiers are surrounded by a growing circle of hate‑filled faces. "Our villages do not belong to Israel," shouts a young Arab. Another shouts, "We belong to the State of Palestine!" The Israeli papers report what happens next:




"The dam burst! Men and women shouted, 'We are all Fatah,' as they threw stones and other objects at the police. The police fired warning shots into the air which only increased the agitation. The rioters began to move toward the police and soldiers, threatening to trample them. Not even the pointing of the rifles at them stopped the mob. 'They're overrunning us,' the police shouted into their radios"

Ma'ariv - March 31, 1976


"The mob wandered through the main street, raining stones, torches, and fire-bombs on military and police vehicles. Some of the excited youth wanted to set up roadblocks. Others moved closer to the security forces with the intention of burning the vehicles. Facing such a dangerous situation the soldiers fired into the air, but no one in that crowd of burning passions paid any attention. The mob of demonstrators noticed the Israeli force beginning to withdraw. The large crowd began close pursuit of the Israeli forces. Running hysterically, they threw stones and roared: 'Charge them!' Thousands moved toward the soldiers, and at that critical moment, the commander of the force gave orders to fire..."

Yediot Aharonot - March 31, 1976



An Israeli journalist who attempted to get past a roadblock was attacked by Arabs shouting, "Get out of here! This is Palestine!" He later reported:



"It was terrible there. I do not remember such chaos since 1948. Every Jew was a candidate for murder. I saw them with the lust for murder burning in their eyes. Slogans such as 'Eleyhom' [charge them] and 'Itbach Al‑Yahud' [slaughter the Jews] are moderate in view of what I heard. From all sides came cries for the liquidation of Israel, to destroy all the Jews, and for a Jihad. It is difficult to believe that such a scene could take place in the State of Israel in 1976...Such hatred of the state and the Jews is difficult to comprehend. What happened there was not mere rioting or chaos. It was a revolt in the full sense of the word."

Ma'ariv - March 31, 1976



The revolt spread to villages and towns throughout Galilee. In Araba, Deir Hanna, Beth Netora, Tira, Tayba, Kalansuwa, Kfar Kana, Nazareth, and dozens of other places, violence and rioting occurred. For the first time in Israel's existence, its equal Arab citizens had called a political general strike. When quiet was finally restored, six Arabs were dead and more than thirty‑five Israeli soldiers and police injured—shades of 1929 and 1948.


After the Land Day revolt many Jews were "shocked" and "astonished" that Israeli Arabs could "turn" on their liberal Jewish benefactors who had taken such painstaking measures to build an atmosphere of "coexistence." Everyone was asking, "what happened?" What occurred to "change" the Arabs? What caused an eruption of such unbridled hatred? Gallons of ink, reams of paper and countless words were produced in an effort to understand. Pity. For had people only wished to see, the signs had been there for years.


February 26, 1979 -- The Jerusalem Post interviews a university graduate from the village of Kabul who is a per­fect example of the product Israel's "head-and-stomach" policy makers helped produce. He is a graduate of Haifa's Ironi Aleph High School—a Jewish-Arab school—as well as of Haifa University's Department of Middle East History. Says he:




"A Palesti­nian state in the West Bank will not solve my problems...The PLO is the only body that fights for me...I do not feel this is my country. I don't care if I have more materially here than Arabs elsewhere. I am willing to be poor if it is my country...I don't know where a Palestinian state should be [but] of course I hope it will include my village."



Let it be noted that his village is in West Galilee; that is, inside Israel.



January 28, 1980 -- Wise Auditorium at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Some fifty-five years after its founding, the first Jewish university in the Land of Israel—and the largest—watches as its students gather for a "cultural event." The hall is packed to overflowing with more than 600 students who are on their feet, singing the anthem. The auditorium shakes as the loud, proud voices sing:



In the name of freedom, we shall give our lives.

Arab Palestine is the land of our struggle.

We will accomplish the impossible.

We have seen the path from the Negev to the Galilee.

Our front will be triumphant.



No, it's not Jewish national anthem, Hatikva. It is the anthem of Fatah, the guerrilla arm of the PLO. The Hebrew University students sit down. On the stage a pan­tomime begins. An Israeli soldier is torturing a Palestinian. Suddenly, three figures, faces covered by red kafias, leap on him. As he lies prostrate on the stage, hands outstretched, the three heroes strangle and stab him to death. As the pantomime reaches a climax the students ­are on their feet, cheering and applauding wildly. The "cultural" evening ends with the moderator thanking the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) for its contribution of IL 10,000.


The place is Hebrew University and the students do indeed study there, most with generous scholarships. They are ­Israeli Arabs—free and equal citizens of the state—who are studying to be attorneys and physicians and engineers and professors. Mostly they are studying to be the future leaders of the PLO and the "revolution"—and, of course, they owe their education to the generosity and liberality of the Jews of Israel and the world.


November 1999 -- Dr. Assad Ganem of the Institute For Peace Studies at Givat Haviva conducts a poll among Israeli Arabs. The question? Which of the following options would you choose as a solution to the problem of the Arabs in Israel? (1) Replace Israel with a Palestinian state. (2) Israel ceases to be a Jewish Zionist state and the Jews and Arabs will be recognized as different groups. (3) Israel will continue to be a Jewish Zionist state and Arabs in Israel will enjoy democratic rights and receive their relative share in the budgets and manage their educational, religious and cultural institutions. The results of the representative survey of 500 Israeli Arabs are as follows:



24.8% - Replace Israel with a Palestinian state.

62.2% - Israel ceases to be a Jewish Zionist state.

8.2%   - Israel will continue to be a Jewish Zionist state.



The overwhelming majority of Israeli Arabs reject Israel continuing to be a Jewish Zionist state. Moreover, they fully support the cause of their Palestinian brothers, even though they know the Palestinians have vowed to use their independent state to destroy what's left of Israel. The title of a perceptive Ha'aretz article that was printed around that time captured the essence of what had happened to the Israeli Arabs. The article was titled: From Israeli Arabs To Palestinians


October 2000 -- The Israeli Arabs of the Galilee display their solidarity with the new Palestinian Intifada and denounce the desecration of the Al‑Aqsa mosque by protesting and rioting for a week. During the rioting 13 Arabs are killed. A month later, Israel's equal Arab citizens are hesitant to call their uprising an "Intifada." A new term has been coined to describe the October uprising: haba (awakening), or haba shabiya (popular awakening). The term is used in order to distinguish their agenda from that of the Palestinians on the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip.


Author and poet Salam Jubran, editor of the Nazareth‑based Al‑Ein, explains that the Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are demanding national rights. Israeli Arabs fully support those demands, of course, but the kind of "rights" they want are of the civil variety. Says Jubran: "Their struggle [the Palestinians] is an Intifada, ours is a Haba—these are two very different forms of struggle."


Haba expresses the reality that a minority that sees itself suffering from discrimination has awakened from a deep sleep, during which it learned to accept its fate. It denotes a spiritual and emotional process; a release from a state of stupor; a liberation from antiquated patterns of thinking and behavior—patterns that represented surrender and subservience.


Speaking of the Jewish establishment's view that the Israeli Arab problem will be solved automatically the moment a Palestinian state is established, Professor Majed Al‑Haj of Haifa University says this idea: " a myth that has now blown up in the face of the Zionist left. The real struggle of Israel's Arab population will begin the day after the creation of an independent Palestinian state." Why so?


First of all, explains Prof. Al‑Haj, when an independent Palestinian state is established, the Israeli Arabs will feel that, while their Palestinian brothers and sisters have realized their dream of an independent state, they themselves are still citizens in a country where they are unable to fulfill their demands for equality.


Ah! Weep for the down-trodden Israeli Arab. All they want is to "be part of Israeli society" and "fulfill their demands for equality." All they are doing is struggling for "civil rights in their own country." What's wrong with that? What's wrong is what they mean by fulfilling their "demands for equality." What they want is for the Jewish establishment to change the structure of government so they will eventually be able to gain an Arab majority in the Israeli Keneset. Their definition of "civil rights" was summed up best in 1976 by an Israeli Arab school teacher named Na'ama Saud:



"Today I am in the minority. Who says that in the year 2000 we Arabs will still be in the minority? Today I accept the fact that this is a Jewish state with an Arab minority. But when we are the majority I will not accept the fact of a Jewish state with an Arab majority."







Demography And Democracy

Do not feel sorry for the Arabs of Israel. Though the Jews are far from being righteous or perfect, they have nevertheless gone out of their way to try and get the Arabs to "accept them." While it is true that no minority in any land enjoys being a minority because all minorities experience a certain level of injustice, the Israeli Arab has it better than any of his Arab brothers in the surrounding Arab states. For over 40 years the Jewish establishment has been obsessed with proving to the world that it is treating its minority population better than any other country treats theirs, but it is a pointless obsession, for the Gentiles have always applied a double-standard when it comes to Jews. They continually demand of the Jews things they never demand of themselves.


The Israeli government has pumped billions and billions of dollars into the Israeli Arab community over the years in order to gain their loyalty. Education hasn't done it. Social and economic prosperity haven't done it. Massive attempts at integration have failed miserably—and the most ugly of all these realities is that providing them with "democratic rights" and "limited autonomy" has only produced a demand for complete independence. The more the Jew gives the Arab in its midst, the more the Arab demands everything!


Jewish leaders scratch their heads and wonder what the Arabs' problem is. His "problem" is not a lack of economic prosperity. He is neither oppressed nor down-trodden. He does not lack education. He does not lack political, civil or religious freedom—or any other "minority" benefit. Rather, his problem is a lack of honor. He wants his land back. He wants to be part of the majority who runs the country in which he resides. He wants the state in which he lives to be his state, not someone else's. This is understandable. This is normal!


Relatively few people understand Israel's real political dilemma because there are so many complex issues that hide and obscure it. But when you peel away all the layers and get down to the core of the problem, you will find that the root issue is very simple: it is impossible to remain a Zionist Jewish state, and at the same time, a Western-style, liberal Democracy.


Many things reflect this impossibility, but the thing that reflects it the clearest is the existence of a hostile Arab minority who will one day become the majority through its phenomenal birth rate—at which point it will demand proportionate representation in the Knesset. After gaining that majority it will simply go to the polls and very democratically vote the State of Israel out of existence and replace it with a state called Palestine. This scenario is still decades away but the day approaches nonetheless; and Israel can do nothing to stop it as long as it remains a liberal, pluralistic Democracy. 


The clever "head and stomach" policy of the Jewish establishment—which it turns out wasn't so clever after all!—which was supposed to produce a loyal, grateful, Arab minority, didn't work. The Arab still thinks Palestine is his land and he still wants it back. Until he was educated he didn't know he could use the democratic principles in Israel's constitution to peacefully overthrow the government and dismantle the Jewish state. Now, thanks to the generous left-wing establishment, his government-funded education is beginning to pay off. He has discovered Israel's "archilles heel."


A choice will soon have to be made by the people of Israel between Zionism and Democracy. If they choose Zionism, then what the Arab citizens are now doing is treason and the government should deal with them as traitors and enemies of the state. If they choose Democracy, then what the Arab citizens are now doing is perfectly legal and the Jews will have to let the Jewish Zionist state slip into history. They will have to settle for living as a minority in Arab Palestine.


This dilemma is not a new development. It goes back to the founding of the state. In May of 1948, David Ben-­Gurion stood in a renovated museum in Tel Aviv and read Israel's Declaration of Independence to a packed hall. The state that was established by that Declaration makes it a model of schizophrenia (with all due respect to Mr. Ben-Gurion) and correctly reflects the ideological confusion of the people who wrote it. In this document Israel pledged to "ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants, irrespective of religion, race or sex." Consider a few other selected parts of the Declaration:




"Eretz Yisrael was the birthplace of the Jewish people...After being forcibly exiled from their land the people kept faith with it throughout their dispersion and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to it and for the restoration in it of their political freedom...In the year 5657 [1897]...the First Zionist Congress convened and proclaimed the right of the Jewish people to national rebirth in its own country...


...On the 29th November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Yisrael. This recognition by the United Na­tions of the right of the Jewish people to establish their state is irrevocable. This right is the natural right of the Jewish people to be masters of their own fate, like all other nations, in their own sov­ereign state. Accordingly we, members of the People's Council...hereby declare the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Yisrael to be known as the state of Israel. The State of Israel will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles..."





Please note the numerous clear statements of what Israel is meant to be. It is the birth place of the Jew, not the Arab. It was the Jews who were exiled from their land and it is the Jews who kept faith with it. It is the Jews who never ceased to pray and hope for their return. It is the Jews who have the inalienable right to be masters of their own fate in their own sovereign state.


The State of Israel came into being as a Jewish state. It was the goal of Zionism, the movement of Jewish longing for a return to their homeland. It is ­the homeland for which Jews had prayed three times daily for 1900 years, turning their faces, not toward Mecca or Rome, but toward Jerusalem. It is the dream, vision, hope, tears and yearning of a people who suffered humiliation, agony, poverty, robbery, rape, burning, drowning, pogroms, Crusades, Inquisitions, and Auschwitzes from its varied hosts throughout the world. It is the conviction that "Nev­er Again!" is a concept that can be realized only in a land where Jews control their own destiny, their own police, and their own armed forces. These things guarantee the kind of respect the Zhid, Kike, Yahud, and Yevrei never quite received from the mouths, fists and boots of the majority cultures in which he resided for centuries.


­The State of Israel is the Jewish demand for what every other people sees as its natural right. ­What the Arab state of Syria is to the Syrians, and the Polish state is to the Poles, and Burundi is to Burundians, ­and Muslim Pakistan is to Muslim Pakistanis, so is the Jewish state to the Jews. But the same declaration that unapologetically affirms—yea demands—the right of Jews to have their own state, the same declaration that declares the land to be their land, and only their land, the same declaration that demands they be the masters of that land forever, also promises to make its enemies completely "equal citizens!" Insanity!


Though I feel no sorrow for the Israeli Arab, I understand how he feels and can clearly see the stupidity of the deception that is practiced on him by the Jewish establishment. It is a deception that deceives only the Jew, for the Arab of Eretz Yisrael may be a robber and murderer of Jews, but he is not a fool. When he is told that he is a "completely equal" citizen of Israel he knows better.


The Arab looks at the government and asks: Doesn't the term "free" mean the liberty to work toward an Arab majority in Israel? Doesn't it mean the liberty to have many, many babies who in due time will be free to vote an Arab majority into the Knesset? And doesn't the term "equal" mean that an Arab Knesset majority would have the legal right to vote to change the Zionist nature of the state and rename it Palestine? In short, doesn't being a free and equal citizen of the state give us the right to go quietly, calmly, peacefully and democratically to the polls, and by majority vote, put an end to the Jewish state? That is exactly what it means—this much the establishment can perceive. Thus, almost every Israeli leader, at one time or another, either publicly or in private, has made statements like the following:




"Do we aspire to be a Jewish democracy, or does our vision include a million Arab non-citizens held in an unwanted union with us forever?" [Speaking of why Israel should not annex Gaza and the West Bank]

Former Foreign Minister - Abba Eben


"The majority of the people living in a Jewish state must be Jewish. We must prevent a situation of an insufficient Jewish majority and we dare not have a Jewish minority."

Yitzhak Rabin - 1976


"I do not want to awaken each morning worrying about how many Arabs were born the previous night."

Former Prime Minister Golda Meir



Imagine what must go through his mind when the Israeli Arab hears Jewish leaders (who swear that he is equal!) proclaim that he must forever remain a minority. What does he think when he hears "dovish" leaders call for the return of the occupied territories because Israel "needs to retain a Jewish majority." What does he think when both right-wing and left-wing Jews warn against having "too many Arabs" in the state? And what answer will those who say Israel must remain both Jewish and democratic give to the free and equal Arab citizen who asks: "If I have enough babies, do I have the right to want a Palestine that is both Arab and democratic?"


Israel does have a problem. That problem is its secular establishment, both in the land and in the Diaspora, which refuses to face a basic fact of nationalism: no people is permanently prepared to live as a minority under another people in a land it considers its own. The idea of a loyal Arab minority in a Zionist state was always an illusion. Jews were simply deceiving themselves.






Islamic Arab Culture

The nationalism that beats in the heart of every Arab—as it does in all men—is not the only reality the liberal establishment refuses to face. They also refuse to face the realities inherent in the unchanging nature of a 3000-year-old Arab culture which became rooted in the Islamic religion 1300 years ago.


One need only read the Old Testament to understand the savage and cruel nature of the people who inhabit the Middle East. These people have had their roots fixed there for thousands of years and are the descendants of men who have fought each other for the same amount of time. But the Arab propensity for barbarity is as really old as the Arabs themselves, for the Lord said of Ishmael, Abraham's son by Hagar: "He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers" (Genesis 16:12 NIV).


The average person is not aware of the war-like atmosphere these people live in every day, which for them is very normal! It is actually quite humorous to hear Arab leaders and officials complain to gullible Western diplomats and journalists that Israel is the source of all the unrest in the Middle East, that if only Israel would give the Palestinians their own state, peace would come to the region. The Middle East was a bloody, insecure region long before the modern Zionist movement even began. Even if—God forbid—Israel ceased to exist tomorrow and every Jew on the planet were killed, peace would never come to the Middle East. For you see, the people of the Middle East like to fight. It's in their blood. It's part of both their culture and their religion. These people have been fighting bloody wars for over 3500 years!


Boutrous Boutros-Ghali, former Secretary General of the United Nations, who is no great friend of Israel—who is also a Muslim Arab who believes Islam will eventually conquer the world— frankly admitted in 1982 that in the "last three decades alone, more than 30 conflicts between Arab states have erupted" which had nothing to do with Israel.


John Laflin, an expert Arabist who wrote the very insightful book, The Arab Mind, says that "between 1948 and 1973 the Arab world suffered 30 successful revolutions and at least 50 unsuccessful ones"—none of which had anything to do with Israel. He adds that during that same time period "22 heads of state and prime ministers were murdered." He cites the main reason for the conflicts as "the desire for power."


The truth contained in the Biblical statements: "his hand will be against everyone," and also, "he will live in hostility toward all his brothers," is also contained in a wide-spread, oft-­quoted Arab proverb that says: "I against my brothers; I and my brothers against my cousins; I and my cousins against the world." Ameen Faris Rihani, an Arab writing of his people's culture, said:



"...all our people are armed, all fight, and all kill for the least thing. We are very jealous of our rights...If in this village two houses should suddenly engage in a fight, the entire population would split into two parties and join in the fight. War could break out in the village. When it subsides, then, and only then, would the people ask what the cause of the fighting was. They fight first, and then inquire as to the cause of the fight. This is our way of life."



Another part of Arab culture is the law of "blood revenge," which is contained in yet another Arab proverb: "Blood demands blood." Relatives must avenge the blood of the slain by killing either the actual murderer or one of his relatives. Even when a murderer is apprehended, convicted in a court of law and executed, it does not fulfill the requirements of blood revenge. One of the relatives of the executed man must die by the hand of one of the victims relatives—and of course, the murdered relative's blood must be avenged by his relatives. Thus, the vicious cycle of bloodshed continues on and on.


Every one is familiar with the words, assassin, assassinate and assassination, but almost no one knows that these words originate in the Middle East. The name "Assassins" was given to a medieval murderous group of Syrian Muslims (from the 11th to the 13th century) who belonged to a sect of Islam known as Isma'ili. In a calculated war of terror, they murdered sovereigns, princes, generals, governors and even religious leaders of Islam. Their murders were designed to frighten, to weaken and ultimately to overthrow the Sunni sect of Islam.


The word "Assassin" is derived from the Arabic word, Hashshashin, which means, "smokers of hashish." They whipped themselves into a religious frenzy by smoking hashish before committing their murders. They were actually the forerunners of today's terrorists. Another name by which the ancient Assassins or Hashshashin were known was Fedayeen—a word that today is commonly applied to all Arab terrorists.


Another important part of Arab culture is what we would call "saving face." The Arab either "whitens" the face (saves face) or "blackens" the face (loses face). Face is the outward appearance of honor—the "front" of honor which the Arab will strive to preserve even if, in actuality, he has committed a very dishonorable act. In Arab culture, "honor" and "face" are so closely related the words are almost interchangeable.


This perceived honor is such an integral part of the Arab culture a person is considered perfectly justified in resorting to deceitfulness and falsehood in order to save their own, some one else's, or the entire Arab world's face. Indeed, an early Islamic theologian named al-Ghazali said: "We must lie when the truth leads to unpleasant is sometimes a duty to lie...if a lie is the only way to reach a good result, it is allowable."


Therefore, lying has been a normal, integral, prevalent and perfectly acceptable facet of Arab culture for thousands of years. Until the leaders and politicians of the West understand the full implications of this reality when dealing with leaders and officials of the Arab world, they can never hope to arrive at the results they desire. Often one reads statements made by prominent politicians to the effect that it is not what is said by Arab leaders publicly in Arabic that counts, but what they say publicly in English. Such statements are not only naive but completely absurd! In reality, it is only what is said in Arabic that contains the truth.


Hatred of anything non-Arab or non-Islamic is axiomatic in Arab culture—and to them, either Israel or the West (or both) is responsible for the stagnant conditions prevailing within the Arab world. We are responsible for disease, for illiteracy, for the lack of Arabic literature, for maliciously falsifying and distorting their glorious Arab history, etc.


Most Westerners have no inkling of how deep and fierce this hatred is. Arab children are first indoctrinated with hate in the home. For those fortunate enough to receive an education, the school system and text books ensure its students will graduate in the subject. Hatred, especially toward Israel and the Jews, is nurtured and developed in the minds of Arab children. In 1961, Suleiman Al-Khash, a former Syrian Minister of Education, said: "The hatred we indoctrinate into the minds of our children from their birth is sacred."


It should be noted here that the Arab culture has some customs of which it can be justly proud. Arab hospitality and generosity, for instance, are legendary. The problem is that the evil in the culture is so evil it eclipses the nobler aspects. The two extremes of hospitality and generosity, and hatred and savagery, make for a very tense and unpredictable society. A gentle, peaceful man, on the spur of the moment may commit brutal murder. A man's best friend of yesterday might well be his murderer tomorrow, for once aroused, his wrath has no limits. How true is the Arab proverb: "At each meal a quarrel, with each bite a worry."


Into this already volatile, war-like culture was mixed an equally war-like religion called Islam, around A.D. 600. The level of ignorance among Westerners regarding the nature of the Islamic religion is nothing short of incredible. People erroneously assume it is "just another religion" but nothing could be further from the truth! Islam is actually a complex religious, political, legal system. It controls the whole of an individual's life, even in its most intimate aspects.


Ecumenical religious leaders and Islamic apologists love to stress those ideas that Islam has in common with Judaism and/or Christianity. While there may be vague similarities in a few areas, the goal of Islam is radically different from those of either Judaism or Christianity. Also, the methods by which those goals are carried out are completely opposite. The degree to which Muslim individuals or states try to implement those goals may vary, but the point is, Islam has a stated goal and too many people are unaware of what that goal is.


Judaism is primarily concerned with the salvation and welfare of one specific people (Jews), and one specific stretch of territory (Israel). It teaches that the Jewish people are holy and the land of Israel is holy because the Lord has destined that both should play a part in the redemption of mankind. It is a historical fact that the Jews never tried to acquire any more territory than that which was allotted to them by God—not even during the reigns of King David and Solomon, when they were a world power and could have easily done so.


This is why it is absurd that Arab states, particularly Syria, claim they are frightened of Israel because it's an "expansionist power." The Jewish people have always coveted only one speck on this globe. That speck was given to them by God and it is less than 1% of the land that the Arab states now occupy.


Christianity is primarily concerned with the salvation of individuals. In Christian theology, the work of salvation is not tied to any particular people or specific geographical area. The Church is concerned about the souls of all people in all lands. It focuses on preaching the Gospel to every tribe, nation and tongue.


Islam is very different than either Judaism or Christianity, for it is primarily concerned with territorial acquisition and dominion. Its goal is to conquer territory for Allah—all territory. The goal of Islam is not, and never was, to make all people believers (Muslims). This is simply because man has no free will in Islamic theology. It is not the task of the faithful to "convert" people. Their duty is to conquer territory—Allah decides which individuals on that territory will find salvation by becoming Muslims. The way in which territory is brought under submission to Allah is through war—holy war (Jihad).


From A.D. 622 to 632 Mohammed fought 81 campaigns, killing thousands of his Arab brethren, all in the name of Allah. Islam conquered the whole Middle East in the seventh and eighth centuries through war. Territorial dominion, which can only be achieved through Jihad, is such a central issue in Islam that some learned Muslim jurists consider it to be the sixth "pillar" of the religion—the other five being faith, prayer, the giving of alms, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca.


In Islamic thought, the world is divided into two categories: Dar al Islam (the abode of Islam) and Dar al Harb (the abode of war). Dar al Islam is that part of the world which has already submitted to Allah. Dar al Harb is that part of the world which has not yet submitted to Allah. Dar al Islam consists of 44 countries, 22 of which are Arabic. The Islamic view is that Allah's legal system was the original legal system given to man, hence it is the only valid legal system and the entire world, for its own good, must be brought into submission to it.


How can Muslims believe that Islam was God's original revelation to mankind when it was born 600 years after Christ and 1,600 years after Moses? They simply "Islamized" all of human history. Thus, everyone from Adam to Jesus Christ is believed to have been either a Muslim teacher or prophet. Supposedly the Jews stole the original writings of Islam, corrupting and transforming them into the Hebrew Old Testament. It is believed that Christians further corrupted these writings and produced the Greek New Testament.


As far as Muslims are concerned, they have every right to claim all land mentioned in Scripture. How can the Jews claim the land of Israel belongs to them when Abraham was a Muslim prophet? The land promised to Abraham belongs to Muslims, not Jews! How can the Jews claim the Temple Mount has historical ties to themselves when King David was a Muslim prophet?


Not until people come to understand the Islamic frame of mind will they ever be able to understand the relentless Arab war against the Jewish state. It is precisely because the goal of Islam is to gain territory for Allah that the loss of any territory once conquered is a very serious matter.


While "the abode of Islam" can make peace with "the abode of war" if the situation demands it, it will never tolerate the loss of any of its own territory to the enemy. The Land of Israel was once a part of "the abode of Islam." It is now a part of "the abode of war." The loss of Islam's supposedly third holiest city (Jerusalem), in the heart of Dar al Islam to Jews, is anathema! This is seen by Muslims as a defeat of cosmic proportions.


Adding to the humiliation of both Allah and his "chosen people" is the fact that the Arabs were defeated by an enemy which they out-numbered ten to one! The secular, materialistic Western mind will never be able to comprehend how galling and humiliating it is to have a superior, sovereign Jewish state in the center of the Islamic world.


Again, the ignorance of Christians regarding the nature of Islam is unbelievable. Since Islam is touted as a monotheistic religion, gullible Christians think "Allah" is just an Arabic term for the God of the Bible. But in reality, Muslims make a distinction between their one god and our one God. They mock and ridicule Jehovah (the Father revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures), and turn Jesus Christ (the Son revealed in the Greek New Testament) into a Palestinian Fedayeen who led the Palestinian revolt against Rome. No, it's not enough to say there is only one God. Your "one God" has to be the true God—the God of Israel!


In 1994 the ecumenical chaplain of New Zealand's Auckland University began letting Muslims use the University's chapel for Friday prayers. To justify this stupidity he said:




"Christians and Muslims have much in common. We worship together the God of Abraham and follow Abraham on the journey of faith. Christians may be surprised to learn that Moslems see Jesus as expressing the Word of God."




Christians will also be "surprised to learn" that the Muslim Jordanian textbook for second-year high school students, General History: Ancient and Medieval Civilization, says that Jehovah:




"...commands them [Jews] to smear their houses with sheep's blood in order to save their sons and let the Egyptians perish. He is a God who feels remorse for creating Adam and for setting Saul on the throne. He is bloodthirsty, fickle-minded, harsh and greedy. He is pleased with imposture [engaging in deception under an assumed identity] and deceit. He is loquacious [very talkative] and passionately fond of long speeches."




Christians will also be "surprised to learn" that the Koran—which is a cross between Arabian Nights and Mein Kampf—is filled with anti-Semitism, historical distortions, fantasy and out-right lies. For instance: Mary, the mother of Jesus, lived 600 years before Mohammed. The Arabic form of her name is Maryam. Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, lived 1,300 years before Mohammed. Her name in Arabic is also Maryam. In the first part of the Koran, the two women are portrayed as one and the same person. It says, "the wife of Moses' father, Imram (Amram), gave birth to Maryam, who in turn, gave birth to Jesus." In the second part it again states that Maryam, the mother of Jesus, is the "sister of Aaron."


Similarly, Haman, the villain of the Book of Esther, is made a contemporary of the Pharaoh of the Israelite Exodus and is said to have helped build the tower of Babel! It also claims that Abraham was thrown into a fire by Nimrod! The fact that Nimrod died centuries before Abraham was even born doesn't matter to Muslim theologians. Christians will also be "surprised to learn" that Muslims believe every human child is born with a Moslem disposition, but his parents may make him a Jew, a Christian or a Zoroastrian. Therefore, they believe the advance of Islam throughout the world liberates this "divine" implantation.


Christians will also be "surprised to learn" that Muslims believe Jesus cried "Allah, Allah," (not "Eli, Eli,") when on the cross, and that they deny His divinity, death and resurrection. The famous Islamic proverb, "Allah has no son," should have caused Western Christians to mobilize against Islam's spread in this part of the world. Instead, we have embraced it and are sharing our churches, parishes and chapels with these pagans. Much in common, indeed! We are digging the pit into which the "holy warriors" of Islam will someday throw us!


Islam and Christianity have nothing in common, for Islam is the antithesis of Christianity. It endorses murder, torture and animal brutality. It advocates world conquest. It debases and abuses its women and harshly persecutes all non-Muslim minorities under its power. It condones and encourages lying, cheating and stealing. It is viciously anti-Democratic and anti-Semitic. Finally, it is merciless because in its view, the victim is responsible for his own suffering. Thus, there is no way you can even appeal to a Muslim's "conscience." Islam is a religion straight out of the bowels of Hell, whose founder was a demon-possessed maniac, and it is determined to exterminate the State of Israel.


The Jewish victory in 1948 created the ultimate challenge to the Islamic world and struck at the heart of Islamic theology. The size of Israel is immaterial—its very existence is an affront to Allah. For this reason, 1948 became the day of the greatest shame in the modern history of the Arabs. The face of both the Arab nation and its god was "blackened." Perhaps some of the statements made by Arab leaders will now make more sense to the reader. Note the Islamic inference:




"Our war against the Jews is an old struggle that began with Mohammed ...It is our duty to fight the Jews for the sake of Allah and religion, and it is our duty to end the war that Mohammed began."

Al Ahram -- November 26, 1955


"I promise to crush Israel and return it to the humiliation and wretchedness established in the Koran.

Anwar Sadat -- April 25, 1972


"Surely the judgment of Allah is reserved for them [Jews] until Palestine is transferred from Dar al-Harb to Dar al- Islam."

Yasir Arafat


"Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam eliminates it, just as it eliminated what preceded it [referring to the defeat of the Crusaders]."

Imam Hassan al-Bana

Former Head of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood


"We shall only accept war—jihad—the holy war. We have resolved to drench the lands of Palestine and Arabia with the blood of the infidels [primarily the Jews, but also all Westerners] or to accept martyrdom for the glory of Allah."

King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud


"The Jews in Palestine must he exterminated. There can be no option for those of us who revere the name of Allah. There will only be jihad."

King Farouk -- Former President of Egypt


"The Zionist conquest of Palestine is an affront to all Moslems. There can be no compromise until every Jew is dead and gone."

King Idris -- Former President of Libya


"Every problem in our region can be traced to this single dilemma: the occupation of Dar al-Islam by Jewish infidels."

Hashemi Rafsnjani -- 1991


President of Iran"Allah has bestowed upon us the rare privilege of finishing what Hitler only began. Let the jihad begin. Murder the Jews. Murder them all!"

Haj Amin el Husseini - 1946

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem

[Yasir Arafat's uncle]


"The enemies of God have committed aggression on Moslem lands and desecrated our sanctuaries. It has become the duty of every Moslem to make the sacrifice to liberate Moslem territories."

Dr. Abdul Halim Mahmoud

Grand Sheik of Al-Azhar

October 8, 1973


"Fighting the Jews and Israel is a religious obligation and a divine duty."

Ibrahim Ghousha -- January 2, 1993

Senior Hamas Leader



In January of 1994, after the signing of the September 1993 agreements between Israel and the PLO in Oslo, a Hamas leader was interviewed on the BBC. The correspondent asked how he felt about the (seemingly) new situation. His reply was insightful. He said: "You don't understand...Islam can never negotiate or recognize Israel."






Present Realities

Since October of this year a mini-war has been raging between the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip and Israel. Right now the region is very close to a major war. According to virtually all the news media, it was the visit of Likud leader Ariel Sharon to the Temple Mount on September 28 that ignited the present conflict. Even though this is pure Arab  propaganda, 99% of the world accepts it as the gospel truth!


In order to understand what is happening right now, you have to understand what happened a few months prior to the outbreak of the violence. In the weeks leading up to the Camp David Summit in July of 2000, the negotiating position of Prime Minister Ehud Barak underwent dramatic changes. Whereas, in the early spring of 2000 the Israeli position was for giving the Palestinians 60% of the disputed territories, that number rapidly grew to 80% in May and then to over 90% right before the beginning of the Camp David talks.


Mr. Barak specifically mentioned 4 red lines that he would not cross when he left for Camp David. They were: (1) no division of Jerusalem, (2) no return to the 1949 borders, (3) no return of Arab refugees, and (4) no foreign army west of the Jordan River. He violated all 4 at the summit. In fact, he violated almost every red line in existence. He went so far that even the "doves" of his own party started resigning. When he arrived at Camp David, what he said to Arafat was basically this: "Look, if you want peace, I am willing to give you more than any other Israeli government has ever been willing to give. Everything that can possibly be put on the table is now on the table. We will never concede any more than this, so now is the time to make a deal."


Nonetheless, Arafat rejected this far‑reaching proposal because he really doesn't want to make peace—he wants to take all of Israel. Plans began to be made by the PLO for a new wave of violence, a new Intifada. This pre-planned Intifada actually started the day before Sharon made his visit to the Mount.


On September 27, two explosive devices were detonated by Palestinian terrorists near Netzarim, a Jewish farming community in the Gaza Strip. A 19-year-old Israeli Army Medic was killed. Armed Arabs then proceeded to attack Israeli soldiers present with submachine guns.


On September 28, Sharon visited the Temple Mount. He took a large contingent of Police and Security personnel, not only for his own protection, but because the Arabs had threatened a day earlier to resort to large scale violence in order to take control of the Western Wall area below the Temple Mount. Sharon did not enter any mosque or do anything provoking.


People may not realize that Israeli politicians have visited that area many times in the past, as has Sharon himself, without drawing such fire from the Palestinian camp. The fact is, thousands of Israelis and tourists from all over the world visit this site daily without causing riots. An Israeli police post is located on the northwestern corner of the compound, and armed Israeli soldiers regularly patrol the area. In other words, Sharon's visit did not introduce any new dynamics into the arena. Moreover, prior to his visit, Sharon called the head Imam (religious leader) who is responsible for the area and assured him that nothing out of the ordinary was planned. The Imam said there would be "no problem."


None of this was reported in the media, of course. Neither did the media report that during his visit, it was three Israeli Arab Parliament members who actually started the riot. They followed Sharon into the Temple area and began shouting, "murderer, out." This stirred up the Muslim bystanders and Sharon soon left to avoid trouble. After he left, Palestinian worshipers began throwing stones, bottles and chairs at police, who responded with tear gas. Thirty Israeli policemen and four Palestinians were lightly wounded, and only one round of tear gas was fired by Israeli police.


After the incident, Arafat called Sharon's visit "a dangerous process conducted by Sharon against Islamic sacred places." He then called upon Arab and Muslim states to take action to protect the Islamic holy shrines. This was followed with a statement by the Moslem Brotherhood Movement's Central Committee in Jordan, stating, "This is an atrocious act which requires Moslem and Arab leaders to declare Jihad (holy war) to liberate...the shrines in Jerusalem." They then called for "shedding the blood of those Jews if they implement their outrageous crime and establish their alleged temple in the yards of the blessed Al Aksa Mosque."


These words, as well as many other official militant statements by Palestinian leaders, were the fuel that ignited the streets. As is often the situation, the hysteria and chaos spread like wild fire among the Palestinian communities, and riots broke out in various hot spots.


On September 29, a morning joint patrol of Israeli and Palestinian soldiers—this was part of the Oslo peace process security framework—were drinking coffee together while on break. As the Israelis returned to their jeep, one of the Palestinian soldiers, Nail Suliman, walked over to the Israeli jeep, shouted Allah Akbar, and emptied his clip into the heart of Joseph Tabaja, a 27‑year old Jewish immigrant from Ethiopia, killing him and wounding his partner. This Palestinian soldier then escaped to the PA controlled area where he turned himself in and was temporarily detained, pending a quick trial and soon release, as is the norm in these matters.


Palestinian officials immediately issued a complaint that the Israeli forces had provoked (!) Suliman into murdering them. This is an example of the brazen deception, treachery, and twisted logic Israel faces every day.


Just after the noon prayers, as Muslim worshipers began to exit the mosques on the Temple Mount, hundreds of them tried to overpower Israeli Border Patrol guards and began to throw stones over the retaining wall down onto Jewish worshipers, 120 feet below as they were praying by the Western Wall. With over 22,000 rioting Muslims on the Mount, the situation was explosive. At that point Israeli Border Patrol reinforcements entered the Mount and began to disperse the rioters, first using rubber bullets and tear gas.


On September 30, armed Palestinians attacked an IDF defense station at Netzarim Junction, which guards the road into the Jewish town of Netzarim. The gun battle was long and fierce. It received world-wide attention because a young boy and his father were caught in the cross-fire and the boy was killed. The death was captured on video camera. Just as Sharon was blamed for starting the violence, so Israeli soldiers were automatically blamed for the death of the boy. The film was shown on CNN and all the big networks over and over again for days. It was the perfect propaganda tool, as it was used to demonstrate the heartlessness and cruelty of the Israeli soldiers.


Unfortunately, neither Agence France Presse (the company who had shot the video) or any other news agency ever bothered to explain or show the context in which that shooting took place. After a quick investigation, Israel willingly took responsibility for the incident—case closed. Problem was, too many pieces of the puzzle didn't fit. For instance, some by-standers said the boy was participating in the stoning of the Israeli outpost when his father came to drag him home. If this was true, he was not an innocent victim.



























All the various media outlets reported that the boy and his father were "on their way home from school" when they just happened to pass by the spot where that heavy gun-battle had been going on for quite a while. But if you examine the photo, what you'll see is that the battle scene is a highway junction in the middle of wide open fields. This junction is near a Jewish town which was the target of a band of Palestinians. Directly to the north and south of the Israelis are two Palestinian locations from which shots were being fired at the Israelis, and diagonally across the intersection from them is another Palestinian position from which shots were fired. In other words, the Israeli position, which was designed to guard the road into the Jewish town, was surrounded and being fired upon from three sides by Palestinian gunmen. For reasons which none of the media has ever thought worth exploring, the father and son are caught in the line of fire between the Israelis and the Palestinians across the intersection. But the Israelis cannot see them because they're crouched behind the concrete protection right alongside the Palestinian firing position.


Independent investigators who were not automatically anti-Israel began examining the evidence, even going so far as to re-enact the whole episode using dummies. They became convinced that the boy was not shot by Israeli soldiers after all, but was in fact shot by his own people. Why? For publicity! One picture of a young boy being shot by those heartless Israelis is worth a million dollars to the Palestinians.


Once you've absorbed the physical situation, a couple of questions have to be asked. (1) Since there are no Palestinian homes or towns in the area, what were the father and son doing there to begin with? They were not walking home from school! There are no stores there, no playgrounds, nothing. (2) Why didn't the Palestinian gunmen, who were right next to the father and son, and who had to be aware of their presence, do anything to protect them or at least signal to the Israelis that there were innocent civilians caught in the crossfire? The answer to these questions are obvious. The boy was undoubtedly there as part of the original confrontation with the Israelis. If the father came to take the boy home, he is one of a very small minority of Palestinian parents who do not routinely offer their children on the altars of "Jihad."


According to an Israeli physicist and former IDF sniper named Yosef Doriel, the re-enactment of the shooting shows that the boy was killed by Palestinian sharp-shooters rather than by Israeli soldiers as had been claimed. Doriel appeared on Israeli television to report that the incident—which became a cause celebre for Palestinian terrorists and "dovish" Israeli protestors—was in fact a cruelly staged hoax. Doriel said he had several reasons to believe it was not the Israelis who shot the boy. In an interview with Arutz Sheva news service, he said:




"For one thing, the boy and his father were hiding behind, and to the left of, a barrel that was between them and the Israeli forces. In the video clip, you see four clean bullet holes to the side of them. These were not shot by the Israelis. They are clean and full holes, not mere grazes that would have been formed by the 30‑degree angle of the Israelis. They came from Palestinians stationed more directly in front of the father and son to make sure that the two would stay put. Suddenly, you see the boy lying down in his father's lap, with another bullet hole in the wall directly behind him. Again, it could not have come from the IDF position, which was behind the barrel and off to the side. It could only have come from the Palestinian position, which was more directly in front of the father and the boy.


This is the bullet that went through his stomach and out his back. At that point in the video you can hear the firing, but the Israeli position was far away! What really happened was that a Palestinian advanced to a spot very close to the photographer and shot the fatal shot. You can also notice that at the moment of the shots, the photographer suddenly shook and the picture was blurred—a sign that the shots came from close to him. The Palestinian forces staged the event. The Israelis were firing for sure, but the fatal shots came not from them. It came from the Palestinian position in front of the boy and behind the cameraman."








Notice the full bullet holes in the wall. That boy, who has now become a martyr for the cause of Islam, was the product of "hate" education, just as all Palestinian children are. His fifth grade Arabic language primer has a special sixteen page section that details the command for every Palestinian Arab child to engage in a Jihad to wipe the Jews out of Palestine—all of Palestine. It explains that a child who dies in the fight to liberate Palestine will become a "Shahada" (martyr) and enter the world to come. And just in case the child does not get the message from the words in the book, the final page of the primer shows an Arab military assault on Palestine. That’s why he was at Netzarim Junction to begin with. He went there to help "liberate" Palestine. He went there to confront, hurt, and kill if possible, the infidel occupiers of his land. But it wasn’t the infidels who killed him. It was his own Arab brethren who killed him.


On August 3, 2000, the New York Times reported on a front page feature how Arafat had delegated more than 25,000 children to spend the summer in special military training camps where kids from ages 8 to 16 were trained in the art of guerrilla warfare. The aim is to engage thousands of Palestinian Arab youth in a Jihad to liberate Jerusalem. They were taught how to make firebombs and lay ambushes while practicing the killing of Israeli civilians and soldiers alike.


They were also taught the role that Arab children had played in fighting Israeli troops in Lebanon in the early 1980's. The PLO distributed small, lethal weapons for youngsters to fire at Israeli tanks and armored personnel carriers at short range. The children would stand in the way of Israeli troops, seeming to pose no threat, then they would fire deadly RPG missiles at point blank range. At first the Israelis refused to shoot them because they were children. But after the casualty list started climbing they had no choice—nor do they have one today. Truly the Palestinians are a sick breed. In 1972, former Prime Minister Golda Meir said:" We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children, but we cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children."






































This cartoon, taken from an Arabic newspaper, reveals the obnoxious hypocrisy of the Palestinians. First, they train their children to kill Israeli soldiers, then they complain to the international media when these kids get killed!



















Giving Away God's Land


When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel. For the Lord's portion is his people, Jacob his allotted inheritance.

 NIV  Deuteronomy 32:8-9


From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.

 NIV  Acts 17:26



One of the things secular, humanist governments (and people) will never do is acknowledge that God is ultimately sovereign in the affairs of men, and that His word—the Scripture—is infallible and unchanging. That word states unequivocally that He has not only determined the "times" of the nations—when they would appear and disappear in history, how long they would stay, and what they would do—He also determined the "exact places where they should live." But what is even more astounding (and this is something Gentiles just can't stand!) Is that the Lord set those boundaries "according to the number of the sons of Israel."


When it comes to territorial divisions of the earth, the land of Israel was reserved for the possession of a people not yet born. It was chosen by God to be the physical location on this planet from whence He would display marvelous wonders. The theater was small, but well suited for the convenient observation of the human race—at the junction of the two great continents of Asia and Africa, and almost within sight of Europe.


This truth irritates the secular humanist because he thinks he is the only "god" in the universe. He cannot stand to even consider the possibility that he is not in control of earthly events. He wants to sit on the throne and decide who gets what territory, and for how long. But regardless of what he thinks, it is the Lord God who ultimately decides these issues.




But the land, whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills and valleys, and drinketh water of the rain of heaven: A land which the Lord thy God careth for: the eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year.

Deuteronomy 11:11-12



And ye shall sow the eighth year, and eat yet of old fruit until the ninth year; until her fruits come in ye shall eat of the old store. The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.

Leviticus 25:22‑23



The land of Israel wasn't special because of who lived on it—when Abraham received the promise, demon-worshiping, blood-drinking, child-sacrificing Canaanites dwelt there. It was special because it belonged to God. It was special because of the destiny it would fulfil. Long before Abraham was even born, God had been caring for this land. His eyes were "always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year."


The Lord made it clear that this piece of real estate was His—The land shall not be sold forever...the land is mine." Because it was His, Jews were not allowed to sell the land permanently to each other. It had to revert back to the original family every 50 years, in the Year of Jubilee. If God was that concerned about keeping the land within the original allotted tribes and families of Israel, think of how He must view the actions of today's Jewish establishment, which just 3 months ago was ready to give the whole West Bank to Muslim pagans forever!




But if you turn away and forsake the decrees and commands I have given you and go off to serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot Israel from my land, which I have given them, and will reject this temple I have consecrated for my Name. I will make it a byword and an object of ridicule among all peoples.

 II. Chronicles 7:18‑20




Also, because it was God's land, He retained the right to give it to whoever He chose. Even though He took the land away from the Canaanites and gave it to the children of Israel, He warned Israel that if they did not obey Him, He would take the land away from them and give it to somebody else.




For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

Joel 3:1‑2



Regardless of how much the Arabs feel the land is theirs—the land is not theirs. The land belongs to God. It is He who took the land away from its original inhabitants and gave it to the children of Israel. It was He who sent those same children of Israel into exile twice as punishment for their persistent rebellion against Him and gave the land to others. In like manner, it is He who has brought those same children of Israel back to the land in our day. The nations of the world never complained that God was unjust when He drove the Jews out of the land and gave it to Romans, Byzantines, Catholic Crusaders, Arabs, Turks, and finally the British. Thus, they should not complain today that He is unjust to bring the Jews back to the land!


Many people are not aware of the geographical realities that are involved in the current dispute between Israel and the Palestinians. The land that is being given to the Palestinians on which to erect their new state is the heart of the land promised to the Jewish people by God. What the world refers to as the "occupied territory" or the "West Bank" is actually Biblical Judea and Samaria. In Scripture this area is also called "the mountains of Israel." It was the inheritance of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Joseph.





As above map shows, the West Bank and "the mountains of Israel" are nearly identical. Abraham was in the mountains of Israel when God spoke to him and promised the land to his descendants. In fact, God spoke to Abraham about this promise three times, and all three times he was in the "occupied territories." So much of Israel's history is connected to this area. Bethel, Ai, Shilo and Shechem were all made famous by Abraham, Jacob and Joshua. Also, the bones of Joseph were buried in this area. Bethany—the home of Mary, Martha and Laza­rus; Bethlehem—the home of David and the birthplace of Jesus; Hebron—where Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Leah and Jacob are buried; and Jerusalem—where the Temple stood, where David and Solomon ruled, and where Jesus died and rose again are all located in the mountains of Israel.


It is God's will that the Jewish people posses the "mountains of Israel." That is precisely why, even though they were out-numbered 3-1 in 1967, God gave them the victory in the Six Day War and this territory fell back into their hands. But the governments of Israel have been basically secular and humanist, and they do not see God's hand in such miraculous events. Also, they are obsessed by the delusion of "peaceful coexistence" with the Arabs. In addition, they are trying to be a liberal Democracy, like America.


When they liberated the mountains of Israel they inherited 600,000 more anti-Semitic and anti-Israel Palestinians. What were they to do with them? They couldn't annex the new territory without giving all these Palestinians Israeli citizenship—and doing that would have jeopardized the delicate population balance between Arabs and Jews. They couldn't transfer them out of the territory because in the eyes of the world that would have been completely "un-democratic"—and Israel has always taken great pride in the fact that it is the "only Democracy in the Middle East." So, being stuck in a lose-lose situation because of their philosophy and secularism, they opted to bargain with those who have every intention of butchering them at the first opportunity.


They began to give the Palestinians limited autonomy, hoping that they would eventually accept Israel's right to exist and make a deal whereby they were in charge of many aspects of their lives—but no sovereignty. In other words, they wanted the Palestinians to settle for a situation where they seemed to be free, where they felt free to a certain degree, but where in actuality they were not free. More delusion! The policy was doomed to fail from its very inception. For 33 years the Palestinians have never budged an inch in their demands. It is the Israelis who have had to make one concession after another for the good of democracy and for the welfare of the world.


First they recognized the PLO as the official representative of the Palestinians and began negotiating with them, which under Israeli law was a crime. Then they accepted the inevitability of a sovereign Palestinian state in the heart of Israel, and began negotiating from that point of view. From there it was all down hill, till at last the current Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, in an insane and frantic effort to procure a peace deal at any cost, violated virtually every red line Israel had established since 1948, a list of which follows.






Red Line -- Since Israel liberated and united Jerusalem in June, 1967, it was the policy of every government, including Barak's, that it would remain united under Israeli sovereignty.


Violation -- At the Camp David summit he offered to transfer part of the Old City, also the Arab‑populated neighborhoods of East and North Jerusalem, and finally the Temple Mount itself, to Palestinian sovereignty.




Red Line -- Since Israel captured the West Bank after being attacked by Jordan in the Six Day War, it was the policy of every government that there would be no return to the armistice lines of 1949 that lasted until 1967. These were called "Auschwitz borders" by Abba Eban since they left Israel as narrow as 9 miles wide and very vulnerable to attack from the south, east and north.


Violation -- While reports on how much land Israel will give up vary, all of the numbers point to the fact that Barak proposed returning to the 1949 lines, with minor changes only. The latest reports say that Barak offered 88% of Judea, Samaria and Gaza at Camp David, but reports before the summit mentioned numbers as high as 96%. He has already offered all of the Golan Heights to Syria.




Red Line -- The Palestinian "right of return" to the areas they evacuated in 1948 was an absolutely non‑negotiable issue since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. For over 5 decades the "right of return" has been considered by every government to be synonymous with the destruction of the state, since it means that Israel would be flooded with hostile, non‑Jewish residents.


Violation -- Barak has been negotiating how many Palestinians will be allowed to return to Israel within the Green Line, under the guise of "family reunification." The numbers being discussed are in the thousands or tens of thousands.




Red Line -- Since the conclusion of the War of Independence in 1949, the idea of redividing the land acquired by Israel in that war was inconceivable. Tiny Israel is far too small to be further whittled down.


Violation -- Barak has proposed transferring territory in the southwestern Negev to the Palestinians, in return for the portions of Judea and Samaria that he hopes to annex to Israel.




Red Line -- No foreign army west of the Jordan River, whose valley forms a natural barrier against invasion from the East.


Violation -- As is well‑known, the Palestinian "Police" force is really a nascent army, with assault rifles, armored personnel carriers, naval vessels, and‑tank and anti‑aircraft missiles. A sovereign Palestinian state, which Barak was willing to agree to at Camp David, would have the right to create a real army with no limits. Since this state would have borders with Jordan and Egypt along with its own air and seaports, Israel would be powerless to monitor or control the flow of weaponry.




Red Line -- Since Israel acquired it in June, 1967, the Jordan Valley was considered vital to Israeli security, never to be ceded to a foreign government, since it is a natural defense against invasion from the east and almost uninhabited.


Violation -- Ehud Barak is now willing to grant the Palestinians full sovereignty over the Jordan valley.




Red Line -- All governments since 1967 have agreed that the early warning stations atop the central mountain ridge of Judea and Samaria would remain in Israeli hands. These bases give Israel clear line‑of‑sight and radar view of substantial portions of Jordan and afford a few minutes warning in the event of an air strike from the East.


Violation -- According to Barak's position before and during Camp David, these warning stations will have to be abandoned since they are deep inside what will be Palestinian territory.




Red Line -- Since the beginning of the Oslo process it was understood by all negotiators that Israel would maintain control over the strategic Samarian mountain aquifers that hold over 30% of lsrael's water supply.


Violation -- Control of theses aquifers is now being negotiated. [Note ‑ Israel is in the midst of a drought, and even with the aquifers under Israeli control there may not be sufficient drinking water within a few months.]






At the failed Camp David summit, Arafat presented a document laying out his five "red lines" which, unlike Mr. Barak, he stuck to. The document was described in the Palestinian press as the "Five Nos"—a play on the infamous "Three Nos" that came from the Arab League after the Six Day War. The PA delegation made it clear that if they did not get what they wanted via negotiations they would pursue their goals by other means (ie., another Intifada).


The Five Nos of the PA were: (1) Israel must withdraw to its pre-1967 borders, including from East Jerusalem, (2) all Jewish settlements inside PA territory must be dismantled, (3) discussions of any final‑status issues like Jerusalem and the refugees will not be put off, and no partial framework deal will be accepted, (4) neither will any solution to the refugee problem be accepted that accommodates Palestinian refugees outside their homeland [Israel proper], and (5) absolutely no Israeli military presence inside the new Palestinian state.


In short, Arafat was demanding that Israel acquiesce to its own destruction. Even though Barak was not willing to agree to commit national suicide—at least not at that point—he was willing to give away virtually all of Judea and Samaria. God stepped in to stop the man's madness. One week, with the help of our honest and upright President, a Grand Deal was going down in which Barak was giving the Golan Heights back to Syria, and Judea and Samaria to the Palestinians. The next week everything started falling apart, and a few months later the whole deal was off—not by Barak's choice of course—but it was off nonetheless.


I feel no empathy or pity for the Palestinians, regardless of how much they have suffered, for it wasn't the Jews who caused their suffering. It was their own hatred and stubbornness that caused them to reject the original U.N. partition plan which granted them self‑determination and a sovereign state. It was their own hatred and stubbornness that caused them to start a war they eventually lost. It was their own hatred and stubbornness that caused them to flee the country, en mass.


Nor will I cry for the Palestinians, for it wasn't the Jews who perpetuated their suffering these past 50 years. It was the hatred and stubbornness of their fellow Arabs that caused it by giving them no other option but to reconquer the land God has returned to the Jews. It is the insatiable hatred of the Arab states for Israel, and their adamant refusal to recognize her or make peace with her that has caused—and continues to cause—the suffering of the Palestinian people. If they want delivered from their suffering, let the Palestinians turn their guns and stones and Molotov cocktails on those who are causing their suffering!


As long as they break every written agreement they sign, as long as they boast they will destroy Israel the first opportunity they get, as long as they keep teaching their children to murder Jews and to become martyrs in the struggle to liberate Palestine, as long as their TV programs and Radio programs and school text books are filled with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel incitement and propaganda, as long as their religious leaders continue to use mosques to preach hatred and Jihad and terrorism, as long as they shoot innocent civilians and blow up busses full of children...they deserve to suffer...not only in this life but in the next one as well!


The blindness of secular liberals is limitless, for they look at a person like Arafat—who is a demon-possessed murderer—and assume he is basically a "good ol boy." Instead of arresting him and hanging him unceremoniously for all the atrocities he has committed, heads of state fawn all over him, U.N. officials make him an unofficial member of the United Nations, the press turns him into a freedom fighter icon and the masses sympathize with him!


This same blindness causes Western leaders and officials to ignore his many statements—like the one he gave in a mosque in Johannesburg in May of 1994, not long after the famous "handshake" on the White House lawn—which reveal his true intentions:




"What they [the Israelis] are saying is that [Jerusalem] is their capital. No, it is not their capital. It is our capital. It is the first shrine of Islam and the Moslems. This agreement [referring to Oslo], I am not considering it more than the agreement which had been signed between our prophet Mohammed and Koraish, and you remember the Caliph Omar had refused this agreement and [considered] it a despicable truce. But Mohammed had accepted it and we are accepting now this peace offer. But we continue our way to Jerusalem, to the first shrine, together and not alone. We are in need of you as Moslems, as warriors of jihad."




The agreement Arafat was referring to in that speech was the one Mohammed made with the Koraish tribe, which allowed him to pray in Mecca, which was under their control. Mohammed signed the agreement because he was politically and militarily weak. The agreement gave him a chance to improve his political and military strength. Two years after signing it, when he had grown strong enough, he abrogated the agreement, slaughtered the tribe of Koraish, and conquered Mecca.


This is precisely what Arafat intends to do regarding Israel. He never has, and still doesn't, have any intention of keeping any agreement he makes with the "infidels" (Jews and Westerners). Signed agreements mean nothing to him. For you see, under Islamic law such agreements are merely battle tactics to improve one's position and/or disarm the enemy to such a point that he can ultimately be conquered.







There are many issues that we have not even attempted to address because it is impossible to examine the Arab-Jewish conflict in all its length and breadth in a single book, much less a short primer.


For instance, a small percentage of Palestinians are Christians—and here we are talking about genuine believers, not those who simply wear the "label" Christian. These brethren are in an extremely difficult situation. When they refuse to participate in the "liberation of Palestine" they are branded as traitors and are eventually killed. The Palestinian Christian population has shrunk by over 65% in the last two decades. Some were killed but most have fled for their lives.


There is also a small percentage of Israeli Arabs who consider living under an Israeli government to be the lesser of two evils when faced with the choice between it and a PLO dictatorship. This reality was highlighted recently when some of the Arabs of East Jerusalem began paying delinquent taxes.


In the State of Israel, Arab citizens pay only a fraction of the taxes required by Jewish citizens. Over the last 10-20 years they have basically stopped paying these taxes and the government has not tried to collect them. But when they found out that Barak offered Arafat East Jerusalem—which meant that they would lose their Israeli citizenship and become citizens of the new PLO state—some of them immediately started paying off all their taxes as part of an effort to convince the government not to hand East Jerusalem over to Arafat.


These Arabs know exactly what kind of people Arafat & Co. are, and they know exactly what kind of life awaits them in a PLO state governed by terrorist murderers. Although they have no great love for Israel, and in fact would love to see it become a democratic Palestinian state, they would rather live in Israel than in the up-and-coming PLO state. Also, even though most of the charges made by Palestinians and Israeli Arabs of abuse and discrimination by Israel are bogus, some are valid. Living in such a rough neighborhood, being under a constant stress from enemies without and enemies within, has taken its toll on the Jewish people. They have in effect been fighting a 100-year war for survival. Thus, while we are not excusing any genuine abuse on their part, and while it should be addressed and corrected, you have to keep these issues in their proper perspective.


Many other issues regarding the conflict, some of which are very complex, could be examined, but none of them would change the basic historical realities presented in this short primer. Thus we will bring this study to a close with one final perspective.


There are literally dozens of organizations who's only function in life is to criticize Israel, condemn Israel, and weaken her resolve to continue existing. There are many journalists and government officials in the world who have made careers out of bashing Israel—and the Israelis certainly have their fair share of character flaws with which to provide these people ammunition. The nations are demanding that Israel uphold a standard of morality and righteousness that they themselves will never reach in a million years—and that includes the United States, which in these days is looking more like a third-world "Banana Republic" than "the greatest Democracy on earth."


However, the issue of Israel's existence has little to do with whether or not the Jewish people are righteous and moral, or whether or not they deserve to have their own state. The issue of Israel's existence has to do with the righteousness of God's character. What is at stake here is God's honor. Regardless of Israel's faults, the very existence of a Jewish state glorifies God because it reveals His faithfulness to His promises.


The Lord said He would judge Israel's sin and rebellion by scattering them across the face of the globe. But He also promised not to utterly forsake them, and He said that one day He would gather them back to the land from the four corners of the earth. In addition, He also made it clear that He would not do this as a result of any righteousness on their part, but "for his great name's sake." He made a promise that did not depend on what they did; it depended on the faithfulness and unchangeableness of His word.




For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land, serve me: there will I accept them, and there will I require your offerings, and the firstfruits of your oblations, with all your holy things. I will accept you with your sweet savour, when I bring you out from the people, and gather you out of the countries wherein ye have been scattered; and I will be sanctified in you before the heathen. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall bring you into the land of Israel, into the country for the which I lifted up mine hand to give it to your fathers. And there shall ye remember your ways, and all your doings, wherein ye have been defiled; and ye shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for all your evils that ye have committed. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have wrought with you for my name's sake, not according to your wicked ways, nor according to your corrupt doings, O ye house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD.

Ezekiel 20:40‑44


For my name's sake will I defer mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain for thee, that I cut thee not off. Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should my name be polluted? and I will not give my glory unto another.

Isaiah 48:9‑11


We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly. Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies; but provoked him at the sea, even at the Red sea. Nevertheless he saved them for his name's sake, that he might make his mighty power to be known.

Psalms 106:6‑8


For the Lord will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people.

I. Samuel 12:22



For His great name's sake, He did not utterly cut off the Jewish people. For His great name's sake, He kept them as a separate people in all the nations to which they had been driven. For His great name's sake, He did not allow Adolf Hitler, and all those before and after him who were driven by that same burning hatred of Jews, to completely expunge them from the planet. For His great name's sake, He gathered them back to the land from all over the world in our day. For His great name's sake, He enabled them to win 4 major wars in which they were out-numbered in both men and military equipment, sometimes as much as 10-1.


Israel is a testimony to the faithfulness of God's promises. It is a testimony that He cannot and will not lie. Moreover, the continued existence of a superior Jewish state in the heart of the Muslim Arab world is a demonstration that the God of Israel is mightier than the demon-god of Islam. Muslim Arabs know very well the difference between the god they serve and the God of the Hebrews. They mock and insult Jehovah. Yet 250 million of them, with all their wealth and resources, and with all the military equipment they get from Russia (some of which is free), cannot blot out this minuscule country that has "blackened" the face of Allah and the entire Arab nation.


God did not re-establish the Jews in their land and keep His hand of protection on them all this time because they deserved it, or because they were serving Him. He is doing all this for His great name's sake! He is keeping His word to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is keeping His word to Moses and Joshua—and every Christian on this planet should be grateful there is a Jewish state in the Middle East. For if God would not have kept His promise to the Jews, what assurance would we have that He will keep His promise to us?


Let the reader beware! Don't let yourself get caught up in the humanistic spirit that has overtaken the whole world, which exalts the wicked and condemns those who seek to do what is right. Don't get caught up in the "relativity" that says we have no right to "judge" who is right and who is wrong with regards to the Arab-Jewish/Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Those with any sense of justice, once they have learned the truth, will never again be caught defending the Arabs.
























































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